[mod.ai] Seminar - Search and Reasoning in AI

Patty.Hodgson@ISL1.RI.CMU.EDU.UUCP (03/10/87)


TOPIC:    Search and Reasoning in AI

SPEAKER:  Herb Simon

PLACE:    Wean Hall 5409
DATE:     Tuesday, March 10, 1987
TIME:     3:30 pm

ABSTRACT:  What is the relation between the search paradigm in AI and
the reasoning or deductive paradigm implicit or explicit in most theorem
proving programs, PROLOG, and Nilsson's text??  The talk will undertake to
show that these two points of view cannot be distinguished on logic grounds
but that they represent very different heuristic viewpoints about how
AI systems are to be constructed, and about the relation of these systems
to the "real world."  The talk will develop and extend views published in
Artificial Intelligence 28 21:7-29 (1983).