[net.sf-lovers] a way to generate fantasy

cws@aluxz.UUCP (SPIVAK) (07/28/85)

Sender:Carolyn Spivak

brendan%gigi.DEC@decwrl.ARPA  writes: 

>I am an avid Dungeons and Dragons player/DM, and am wondering if 
>anyone knows if any books have ever been published that were derived 
>from actual games.  ...

Aside from those examples that have already have been mentioned, I seem to 
remember bits and pieces here and there in many recent fantasy novels which
show that their authors are steeped in D&D conventions.  At
first I kind of liked it (it's certainly fun to look for it): now, it
strikes me as yet another overworked and sterile construct.  
I know what brendan means, but situations which must have been exciting
in the game context somehow show up as rather flat on paper.  My guess 
is that the highly structured set of rules which makes for a good game 
makes for an overly predictable story.  I wish they'd stop.

                                   Carolyn Spivak
"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure that we all
should be happy as kings."