[mod.ai] categories and counterfactuals

french@FARG.UMICH.EDU (Bob French) (03/17/87)

The Role of Categories in the Generation of Counterfactuals: 
          A Connectionist Interpretation

         by Robert M. French and Mark Weaver

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 
             University of Michigan 
            Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 
               Tel. (313) 763-5875

Keywords: counterfactuals, norm theory, connectionism, categories 


This paper proposes that a fairly standard connectionist category model
can provide a mechanism for the generation of counterfactuals --
non-veridical versions of perceived events or objects.  A distinction is
made between evolved counterfactuals, which generate mental spaces (as
proposed by Fauconnier), and fleeting counterfactuals, which do not.  This
paper explores only the latter in detail.  A connection is made with the
recently proposed counterfactual theory of Kahneman and Miller;
specifically our model shares with theirs a fundamental rule of
counterfactual production based on normality.  The relationship between
counterfactuals and the psychological constructs of ``schema with
correction'' and ``goodness'' is examined.  A computer simulation in support
of our model is included.  

The paper has been submitted to the Cognitive Science Society Conference 1987
to be held in Seattle, WA. in July.

Anyone interested in a copy of the paper, should get in touch with 
Bob French as follows: french@farg.umich.edu