[mod.ai] Policy - American Militarism

tomi@cwi.nl.UUCP (03/25/87)

In Article 1432 of mod.ai, Chris Elsaesser (elsaesser%mwcamis@MITRE.ARPA)
submits a Call for Papers

 >         Issues Concerning AI Applications To Battle Management
 >                         University of Washington
 >                         Thursday, July 16, 1987
 >                            Sponsored by AAAI
 > Success  in applying AI technologies to battle management (e.g., production
 > and  blackboard  systems  for  sensor  fusion,  constraint  propagation for
 > non-temporal  planning tasks) has generated growing interest in the defense
 > community  in  developing intelligent battle management aids, workstations,
 > and  systems.  Along with this growing interest, there has been an order of
 > magnitude  increase  in  funding  for  battle management AI projects (e.g.,
 > Army-DARPA's   Air-Land  Battle  Management,  SAC-JSTPS-RADC-DARPA's
 > .......     

First of all, I really feel doubts about the policy of AAAI to sponsor
such a BLOODY nonsense, but since this is not the right place to
criticize AAAI, I don't write about it.  (Since I am a member of AAAI,
I reserve my right to do so, though.)

Now, I am strongly against such a posting circulated ALL AROUND THE
WORLD through the net.  Of course, I personally do hate such BLOODY
research and at least I won't do such things.  But, this is absolutely
my personal opinion and I know that anyway I don't have power big
enough to stop it.  So, as far as it remains an AMERICAN MATTER, I
don't bother guys over there.

However, mod.ai is broadcasted to all over the world and I really do
not want to see OUR computer networks are used to promote such BLOODY
NONSENSE which may contribute only to destroying everything.  I think
this kind of postings should be even prohibited from the world wide
net distribution.  You (in plural) should be aware that there are lots
of people who work hard for peace and many scientists and engineers are
against the use of modern technology for military purposes even in the
American AI community.

--Tetsuo Tomiyama (UUCP: tomi@cwi.nl)

  [I don't believe that this message is offensive to the general AI
  community.  I regret that it offends you, but can't censor all
  such material to suit your preferences.  I can only offer you the
  same channel for stating your own position.

  AIList is a global channel.  It could be limited to just the Arpanet,
  as it once was, but that would not be in the best interest of all
  involved.  -- KIL]