[mod.ai] TMYCIN: Free EMYCIN-like ES Tool


The following two messages contain the code and documentation for a
small EMYCIN-like expert system tool called TMYCIN (for Tiny EMYCIN).
TMYCIN is written in Common Lisp (in a rather "old" Lisp style to make
it easy to port to other dialects).  Since it is only about 10 pages
of code, it does not implement all of the features of EMYCIN, but it
does cover some of the most-used features.  The implementation is a
new one, written from scratch, so it is different internally from EMYCIN;
however, I have tried to follow EMYCIN conventions where possible.

TMYCIN was originally written for use in an AI and Expert Systems course
taught at Hewlett Packard.  While it is not an "industrial strength" ES
tool, others may find it useful for teaching or for self-study.

The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin
receives major support from the U.S. Army Research Office under contract
DAAG29-84-K-0060.  The A.I. Lab has also benefitted from major equipment
grants from Hewlett Packard and Xerox.

Gordon Novak

  [Remember the AI Expert sources?  I had to set a policy
  of not distributing large amounts of code.  Granted, the
  two digests worth of code and examples is much smaller, but
  the same principle seems to apply.  I would also prefer not
  to be responsible for such distributions because people ask
  for the code with fair regularity; I then have to keep it
  on disk or repeatedly pull it from tape, and my company has
  to bear the cost.  I'm open to suggestions for how code should
  be handled, but AIList doesn't seem to be the place.  (Usenet
  has a comp.sources, and there is a Unix code distribution,
  but Arpanet really has no mechanism other than contacting the
  author or FTPing his files.)  -- KIL]