[net.sf-lovers] Announcing ReaderCon

INGRIA@MIT-OZ (07/29/85)


	I have been asked to post this message to the net.  I am
not involved with organizing it, but I will gladly forward any
messages, questions, reactions, etc. to the organizers.



                         Announcing ReaderCon

Are you:

   o a  serious  reader  (or writer, or publisher) of imaginative
   o someone  who  sees  the  genre  as  primarily  a   form   of
     literature, rather than a type of movie or game?

Do you:

   o like cons?
   o like the panels and readings at cons?
   o sometimes  feel overwhelmed by the predominance of mediafans
     at cons?

Would you:

   o like to  spend  a  couple  of  days  with  some  like-minded

Then you'll:

   o love ReaderCon!!

     We  are  a  new  con,  just  starting  to  get organized.  Giving
ourselves ample time to learn, we are aiming at mid-87 for  our  first
show   in  the  Boston-Cambridge  area.    We  are  book-oriented  and
non-media, and our programming, dealer's room, etc. will reflect  that
orientation.    We are serious, but NOT stuffy!  We will be having two
GOHs per show (Writer and Publisher), and have  already  selected  our
first  Publisher  GOH (Mark Zeising, who just recently brought out the
first edition of Gene Wolfe's new novel).  We will soon be putting out
our first flyer, with more information, prices, etc.  If you'd like  a
copy, send a S.A.S.E. (#10 envelope) to:

    P.O. Box 6138
    Boston, MA 02209