[net.announce.arpa-internet] Research openings

Levitt@SRI-CSL.ARPA (Karl N. Levitt) (12/18/85)

                Computer Science Research Opportunities

	The Computer Science Laboratory at SRI International has a number of
openings for Master's and PhD level researchers in Computer Science.  The
Laboratory engages in research in the areas of program verification, formal
specification, programming environments, highly parallel computer
architectures, computer security, distributed systems, operating system
design and database among others.

	Openings are available for established researchers or recent graduates
in these areas. There are also a number of openings for individuals with
extensive programming experience in Lisp and C.  Salary is competitive.

	Please contact or send resume to Dr.  Karl N. Levitt, Computer
Science Labortory, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park,
CA 94025; phone: (415)859-4172; ArpaNet: Levitt@SRI-CSL.
