[net.announce.arpa-internet] Intl. Conf. on Functional Programming and Computer Arch.

kahn@inria.UUCP (Gilles Kahn) (10/17/86)

                           Call for Papers

                   Third  International Conference on
        Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture

                      14 to 16 September 1987
                       Portland, Oregon, USA

A Conference sponsored by IFIP Technical Committee 2, ACM Sigplan, ACM
Sigarch and INRIA.

This conference has been planned as a successor to two highly successful
conferences on the same topics held at Wentworth, New Hampshire, in October
1981 and in  Nancy, France, in September 1985.  Papers are solicited on all
aspects of functional languages and particularly implementation techniques
for functional programming languages and computer architectures to support
the efficient execution of functional programs.

Authors should submit five copies of a full paper (not exceeding 20 pages),
and ten additional copies of a 300-word abstract of the paper to the
Chairman of the Program Committee by 20 February 1987.  The paper should be
typed double spaced. The names and affiliations of the authors should be
included on both the paper and the abstract. Authors' addresses should
include telephone and telex numbers whenever possible.

Papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee with the possible
assistance of outside referees; authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by 30 April 1987.  Camera-ready copy of accepted papers will be
required by 23 June 1987 for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings, to be
published by Springer-Verlag.

Program Committee

Lennart Augustsson (Chalmers, Sweden)    Paul Hudak (Yale, USA)
Arvind (MIT, USA)                        Gilles Kahn (INRIA, France)
Luca Cardelli (DEC SRC, USA)             Arthur Norman (U. of Cambridge, U.K.)
Guy Cousineau (ENS, France)              Ron Sleep (U. of East Anglia, U.K.)
Herve Gallaire (ECRC, RFA)               Guy Steele (Thinking Machines, USA)

General Chairman                         Local Arrangements Chairman
John H. Williams                         R. Kieburtz
IBM Almaden Research Center              Oregon Graduate Center
K53/803                                  Dept. of Computer Science & Eng.
650 Harry Road                           19600 N.W. von Neumann Dr.
San Jose,  CA 95120-6099, USA            Beaverton, OR 97006-1999, USA

Address for Submission of Papers:

G. Kahn   
INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Avenue Emile Hughes
06565 Valbonne CEDEX, FRANCE
Tel: 93 65 78 01

Important Dates:
Draft Paper Deadline:  20 February 1987
Authors Notified    :  30 April    1987
Camera-ready copy   :  23 June     1987
Conference          :  14-16 September 1987