MCGREW@RED.RUTGERS.EDU (Charles) (02/09/86)
--------------- Return-Path: <GREIF@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU> Date: Fri 7 Feb 86 16:39:40-EST From: Irene Greif <GREIF@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU> Subject: Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: CALL FOR PAPERS To: msg-group@BRL, ailist@SRI-AI To: telecom@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU, arpanet-bboards@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU cc: krasner@MCC.ARPA ------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER-SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK Austin, Texas December 3-5, 1986 sponsored by Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) Software Technology Program (STP) -------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE CHAIR: Herb Krasner, MCC STP PROGRAM CHAIR: Irene Greif, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science PROGRAM COMMITTEE: John Seely Brown, Xerox PARC Christine Bullen, MIT Center for Information Systems Research(CISR) Paul Cashman, DEC Bill Curtis, MCC STP Clarence A. Ellis, MCC STP Douglas C. Engelbart, McDonnell Douglas George Huber, University of Texas Thomas Malone, MIT Sloan School of Management Margarethe Olson, NYU Graduate School of Business Administration Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland Mark Stefik, Xerox PARC Lucy Suchman, Xerox PARC Terry Winograd, Stanford University LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS: Bryan Fugate, MCC STP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFERENCE THEME -- SUGGESTED TOPICS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This conference takes an interdisciplinary look at computer-supported cooperative work from technological, sociological, organizational, cognitive and task domain points of view. It grows from two past conferences: the DEC/MIT Workshop on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work in August, 1984 and the MCC Interdisciplinary Design Symposium in May, 1985. The previous conferences drew participants from computer science, organization design, cognitive science, sociology, artificial intelligence and practical engineering disciplines. We hope to incorporate an even broader range of research and application perspectives on groups and group work at this meeting. We are soliciting new papers on the following representative topics: * Experiences with technology for cooperative work * Computer-based environments that support cooperation: co-authorship, project management, large-scale design of computer systems * Empirical studies of cooperation/teamwork * Impact of computer technology on group behavior, organizational structures and work practices * Underlying technologies: data bases, structured documents and hypertext, access controls and privacy * Theoretical models for analyzing group work: "roles", communication protocols, coordination constraints * Multi-media conferencing * Group decision support systems * Domain-specific requirements for computer-supported group work In order to encourage an informal and informative atmosphere, the conference's size will be limited. The program will include invited speakers, paper sessions, panel sessions and informal interest groups. We invite proposals for panels and discussion groups as well as papers. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: July 1, 1986 Acceptance Notification: Sept 1, 1986 Final Version Due: Oct 1, 1986 Conference Date: Dec 3-5, 1986 Fifteen (15) copies of a double-spaced extended abstract of 10-12 pages in length should be submitted to: Dr. Irene Greif MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139 phone (617)- 253-5987 e-mail: People who have limited access to copiers, or for whom overseas airmail costs will be a burden, should submit only one copy. Suggestions for panels and interest group meetings should be 1-2 pages long. Submit these short proposals either by sending fifteen copies to the address above, or by mailing one copy to the email address above. A conference proceedings will be available at the meeting and published by Ablex. COOPERATING SOCIETIES: Software Psychology Society College of Information Systems of The Institute for Management Sciences ACM SigOA (pending) ACM SigCHI (pending) ACM SigSOFT (pending) IEEE Computer Society (pending) For more information call Barbara Smith, MCC STP at 512-834-3336 or by netmail to -------