Linnerooth@SANDIA-CAD.ARPA (Tom Linnerooth) (11/21/85)
I guess it's time to tell a few things pertaining to INFO-VLSI. First, concerning BBoards in general, the scheme seems to be that most BBoards have an address which consists of their name ending with "-REQUEST" (ie. INFO-VLSI-REQUEST). That address gets to the person who moderates or maintaines the mailing list. A useful file to look at is named <NETINFO>INTEREST-GROUPS.TXT at NIC. This file contains a list of BBoards available on the net, along with their purpose, personnel involved in running the list, location of old mail message archives, and other useful tidbits of information. I suggest that if you have questions concerning purpose of a list or with whom to communicate, you look at this file first. I maintain the INFO-VLSI list here at Sandia. I don't have the time to screen or otherwise moderate messages. When you send to INFO-VLSI@SANDIA-CAD, the message is automatically broadcase to everybody. That is the reason for all the junk messages from people wanting books, and the loop problem with UDEL a while back. The only thing I do is add and delete names to the master mailing list. It is also useful to know that many address in my master list are actually redistribution lists. This makes life easier for me since most adding and deleting of individual names is distributed to a site more local to the individual. If you feel inclined to reply to a BBoard message, PLEASE be careful about who is included in your reply. In some cases, a reply to the entire list is appropriate; in other cases only the sender of the message needs the reply. A little knowledge about how things default in your mailer is to the benefit of everybody. If I notice a junk message in our mail queue, I will probably just delete it. Consequently, as in the case of asking for a book from the author, there is no guarantee that it will get where you really wanted it to go. Tom Linnerooth -------