[mod.vlsi] Magic bug report?

cad@RSCH.WISC.EDU (Gary L. Craig) (03/11/86)

We have been using the '86 release of the Berkeley CAD tools and
have experienced a bug with the extractor on Magic which
didn't appear in the '85 release.  It was discovered that 
Magic was not keeping track of the resistances 
correctly when it extracted a layout.  It does not handle contact
cuts correctly.  As can be seen from the included test file, when
it extracts a contact cut it always puts the associated metal part 
of the cut into the poly part of the .ext file.  (This can 
be seen by looking at the included .ext file of the included .mag file.)
It does not have trouble with the metal over poly part of the test file,
only the contact cut part.  

We would greatly appreciate any response from those having similar problems
or have receive any bug_report patch.  For background we are running
BSD4.3 on VAXens.


Matthew Farrens  arpanet: farrens@pipe.wisc.edu



tech nmos
timestamp 507520738
<< checkpaint >>
rect -3 12 21 17
rect -13 10 21 12
rect -22 9 21 10
rect -22 6 26 9
rect -22 -6 27 6
rect -22 -9 26 -6
rect -22 -10 6 -9
rect -18 -13 6 -10
<< polysilicon >>
rect -17 2 -15 4
rect -9 3 -4 8
rect -2 -9 2 -5
<< diffusion >>
rect -1 3 4 8
rect 7 2 11 6
<< metal >>
rect -2 -9 2 -5
<< poly-metal-contact >>
rect -18 -2 -14 2
rect -9 -2 -4 3
rect -14 -9 -10 -5
<< diff-metal-contact >>
rect -1 -2 4 3
rect 7 -2 11 2
<< buried-contact >>
rect 14 -2 16 0
rect 19 -2 23 2
<< labels >>
rlabel poly-metal-contact -16 0 -16 0 1 one!
rlabel poly-metal-contact -7 1 -7 1 7 two!
rlabel diff-metal-contact 1 0 1 0 7 three!
rlabel diff-metal-contact 9 0 9 0 7 four!
rlabel buried-contact 15 -1 15 -1 1 five!
rlabel buried-contact 21 0 21 0 7 six!
rlabel poly-metal-contact -12 -7 -12 -7 1 zero!
rlabel metal 0 -7 0 -7 1 seven!
<< end >>



timestamp 507529900
version 4.0
tech nmos
scale 1000 1000 200
resistclasses 30000 10000 30
node "seven!" 0 2 -2 -9 0 0 0 0 16 16
node "3_5_19#" 30 3 -2 -9 16 16 0 0 0 0
node "zero!" 175 5 -14 -9 32 32 0 0 0 0
node "six!" 30 13 19 -2 16 16 0 0 0 0
node "five!" 30 4 14 -2 4 8 0 0 0 0
node "four!" 50 20 7 -2 16 16 32 24 0 0
node "three!" 50 29 -1 -2 25 20 50 30 0 0
node "two!" 185 13 -9 -2 75 50 0 0 0 0
node "one!" 206 6 -18 -2 36 36 0 0 0 0