ARMS-D-Request@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (Moderator) (09/24/86)
Arms-Discussion Digest Wednesday, September 24, 1986 3:51PM Volume 7, Issue 19 Today's Topics: Administrivia Towards a definition of "autonomous" weapons SDI Nova/Frontline program tonight (Sept.23) indiscriminate weapons re: autonomous weapons Correction Autonomous Weapons Comment on an editorial comment ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 1986 08:45 EDT From: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: Administrivia ==>> Someone please help: Date: Wednesday, 24 September 1986 05:38-EDT From: MAILER-DAEMON%thales at Sun.COM (Mail Delivery Subsystem) To: <ARMS-D-Request> Re: Returned mail: Can't create output ----- Transcript of session follows ----- 550 /usr/titan/toma/inbox... Can't create output ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Sep 86 18:16:46 PDT From: Clifford Johnson <GA.CJJ@Forsythe.Stanford.Edu> Subject: Towards a definition of "autonomous" weapons > I don't understand what it means for a weapon to "take a decision". > Clearly you don't intend to include a depth charge set to explode at a > certain depth, and yet a depth charge could "decide" to explode at 100 > feet given certain input. My concept of "decision" embraces *all* manner of conditional executions, delimited expressly by the customary law that recognizes certain "special" decisions require human participation. I know of no precedent suggesting that "aiming" at a properly comprehended target requires such discretion, which is the logical mechanism that eliminates depth charges from my definition. > What should be the role of the human being in > war? I would think the most basic function is to decide what targets > should be attacked. The question I'm concerned with is "What should/could be the role of law in precluding the unconscionable automation of war?" With the basic thrust on target selection I agree, but to include it I would amend my definition by referencing "fatal consequences" (generalization of "targets"): AN "AUTONOMOUS WEAPON" IS DEFINED TO BE ANY WEAPONS SYSTEM WHICH IS DE FACTO PREPROGRAMMED TO TAKE DECISIONS WHICH, DUE TO THEIR POTENTIALLY FATAL CONSEQUENCES, UNDER THE LAW OF NATIONS REQUIRE THE EXERCISE OF HUMAN DISCRETION AT THE TIME THEY ARE TAKEN. N.B. The "de facto" is important to exclude the excuse that a human might "override" the weapons' decision, when, in practice, he/she wouldn't be competent to do so. > But then I note what a recent contributor said -- MINES are autonomous > weapons, and I don't want to get rid of mines either, since I regard > mines as a defensive weapon par excellence. Do I add mobility to the > definition? I don't know. It seems such confusions are inevitable when seeking a primarily technological definition of "autonomous" weapons. My "trick" is to reverse the analysis, placing the burden upon the human judgment that some kinds of decisions are unconsionably automated. The nature of and context of the particular decision becomes the focus. This isn't a cop-out, but would build upon established military/international custom. As I have intimated, it would seek precedents where particular decisions would "initiate" or "escalate" a conflict, or be beyond the ordinary authority of the officer operating the system. To: ARMS-D@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1986 22:48 EDT From: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: SDI DA -- ignore this note, unless you want to respond. I'm CC-ing you just for your information, and I respect your wish to not engage a new argument. From: Dale.Amon at Well we may not have the equations for anti-missile defense down yet, but my engineering sense tells me it can be done, and that it is worth doing. How are we to judge your engineering sense? In particular, how can we tell that you are not confusing feasibility with desirability? I can't accept a world in which defense means threatening to immolate millions of Russian men, women and children who have little say in the aggressive policies of 'their' government. There has got to be a better way to protect our right to be left alone, and it is worth trying to make it real. Again, the desirability of something does not make it feasible, as any proponent of perpetual motion or immortality will tell you. I would like to mention several hopeful signs towards feasibility of SDI. 1) The phase conjugate laser techniques appear to have the potential to track a target, correct for beam diffraction and to focus the full energy of the main laser on the target without requiring computing. The weapon need not even be physically pointed since the phase conjugate effect can generate an off-axis beam. Phase conjugation does NOT correct for diffraction -- beams continue to spread. That is a fundamental physical law. PC does allow correction for atmospheric disturbances caused by density fluctuations. 3) The computing problem has been discussed by the Eastport panel and found to be tractable if modern techniques of modularity are applied rather than the monolithic and certain to fail approach castigated by Parnas.The Eastport panel had doubts that the DOD and it's contractors could adjust to these techniques, but I would say that a great deal of the Software Engineering ideas that have gone into ADA are moves in the correct direction. The Eastport panel did not "find to be tractable" the computing problem. They merely asserted it. It is true that most people agree that IF a solution is to be found, it will require revolutions in DoD software contracting. ------------------------------ Date: 1986 September 23 21:47:52 PST (=GMT-8hr) From: Robert Elton Maas <REM%IMSSS@SU-AI.ARPA> Subject:Nova/Frontline program tonight (Sept.23) Tonight there was a 2-hour Nova/Frontline "special" program on TV channel 9 (KQED, SF) dealing with SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative). It covered a lot of good points, including some not previously covered on ARMS-D, but I have three specific remarks. My major disappointment was the short discussion of software to implement the overall battle operation of SDI. The narrator said there's been a lot of debate whether such a program could ever be written, and made to work absolutely correctly the very first it is ever used, and presumably the only time. But it failed to give any of the arguments pro and con, it just dropped it at that and went onto another subject. I think the total time for software was about two minutes. One item completely left out was my argument about the transition period from here to a full system being unstable, first-strike optimal. The narrator said that SDI may be counterproductive (not his word, but synomym) if it is anything less than a massive 100% effective system. But the narrator failed to point out that even if we embark on such a system there must be a transition period during which we have a partial system which he has already said would be destabilizing and undesirable. He seems to say it's all or nothing, but fails to point out that to get from here to there we must pass through some middle ground. One of Reagan's later speeches (after the original announcement) to some small group gave a really good description of where SDI is heading (in Reagan's vision). We want to render thermonuclear weapons impotent and obsolete, STARTING WITH ICBMS. (emphasis mine) Note that he effectively answers or charges that even if ICBMs are stopped it leaves all the other modes of delivery unstopped. He wants to stop ICBMs now, and later move ahead against other delivery methods. That seems to me quite reasonable (assuming the whole idea works at all and isn't destabilizing of course). I think it would be a straw man for us to say that Reagan plans to stop ICBMs only. We should admit that stopping ICBMs is only stage one of Reagan's plan. Now some additional ideas provoked by my watching this program... Perhaps the way SDI should work is we admit it can stop only ICBMs in the first major stage of implementation, and use that as an incentive for the USSR to shift much of its ICBM stockpile away from land-based ICBMs toward the other modes (planes, submarines, cruise missiles). We could perhaps render ICBMs not exactly impotent but less cost-effective than other delivery modes, and negotiate a treaty whereby we phase out both multiple warhead missiles (any basing/delivery mode) and most land-based ICBMs while decreasing the total number of warheads although perhaps not the total number of launch vehicles. Perhaps that way of using SDI could be stabilizing instead of destabilizing. (rebuttal to this brand-new idea strongly encouraged) Also I was impressed by Teller's arguments against some forms of SDI proposed by Reagan et al that involve thermonuclear warheads in space to run X-ray lasers. (I forgot the details, sigh.) Also, the rapid-refire railgun demonstrated near the end of the program would seem to have civilian applications in drilling tunnels through montains. Wheras a laser vaporizes the rock, wasting a lot of energy on heating it to thousands of degrees, the railgun would merely shatter the rock and knock the pieces loose until they miagrated out the entrance or pulverise the rock to dust and blow the dust out the entrance due to the small amount of rock actually vaporized that created a net wind outward from the hit point. It would thus seem drilling by railgun would be more efficient than drilling by laser even if the basic efficiencies were comparable. On the other hand, this research with nicely formed cubes of metal would NOT seem to be useful for moving large quantities of raw materials surface of the moon due to the careful machining of the carefully chosen metal pellets. (rebuttal or discussion of peaceful aspects/spinoff of SDI-funded research, railgun or other?) ------------------------------ Date: 24 Sep 86 11:20:26 bst From: Subject: indiscriminate weapons Volume 7, Issue 16 Date: Mon, 22 Sep 86 18:43:21 PDT From: Clifford Johnson <GA.CJJ@Forsythe.Stanford.Edu> Subject: Towards an effective defintion of "autonomous" weapons There's great difficulty in defining "autonomous weapons" so as to separate some element that seems intuitively "horrible" about robot-decided death... The problem is, of course, that many presently "acceptable" weapons already indiscrminately-discriminate targets,... Is there an element exclusive to computerized weapons that is meaningful? I don't have an answer, but feel the answer must be yes... First, weapon control systems that may automatically target-select among options based upon a utility function (point score) that weighs killing people against destroying hardware would seem especially unconscionable. I don't remember what the current situation with regard to the deployment of the neutron bomb (sorry, enhanced radiation weapon) is, but doesn't that 'automatically' discriminate against human beings rather than hardware? Sam Wilson, ERCC, University of Edinburgh, Scotland ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 10:40:02 EDT From: Bruce Nevin <> Subject: re: autonomous weapons Mines are also offensive weapons, as demonstrated not long ago in Nicaragua. Part of the inappropriateness of mines, antipersonnel weapons, etc., is precisely that they do .not. select targets with any real discrimination. A related issue: I was a conscientious objector because joining a military organization would contract me to obey orders given by people not in touch with their consequences, and to give orders to whose consequences I would not be exposed, yet whose intent would be destruction of life and livelihood. The ability to discriminate right use of means was divorced from the deployment of means. On a deeper level, the dilemma of how to introduce intelligent discrimination into the conduct of war is that war is not an intelligent thing to do. Put another way, for whatever problems war is intended to solve there are always more intelligent solutions, solutions that make more appropriate use of our God-given powers of discrimination and choice. Bruce Nevin (This is my own personal communication, and in no way expresses or implies anything about the opinions of my employer, its clients, etc.) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 08:51 PDT From: "Morton Jim"@LLL-MFE.ARPA Subject: Correction > ------------------------------ > > Date: 23 Sep 86 16:26-EST > From: sam mccracken <> > Subject: Re: TV news erratum: LLL -> Sandia Labs > > ----- > Sandia does highly classified research and is next next to a substantial > nuclear warhead depot. > > ------------------------------ Half wrong. Half right. Sandia does do classified research but is not near a nuclear warhead depot. It is next to Lawrence Livermore National Lab, which is not a weapon depot. Jim Morton lll-mfe ------------------------------ Date: Wednesday, 24 September 1986 11:01-EDT From: Henry Thompson < at Cs.Ucl.AC.UK> To: ARMS-D Re: Autonomous Weapons In our briefing of the British Ministry of Defense on (among other things) computational flaws in SDI, we at Edinburgh Computing and Social Responsibility found it helpful to emphasise a distinction between fully automated decision-making systems which functioned to prosecute an existing war, and such systems which could function to start one. As several postings have observed, the former already exist in a number of forms, but it is the latter (exemplified by SDI) which are particularly worrying. Perhaps we could start by trying for a more restricted definition focussed on autonomous systems with war-initiating potential. I also enter a qualified disagreement with Lin's disinclination to call what a depth-fused mine does a decision. A longer posting on the essential nature of autonomous systems will follow at some point. Henry Thompson Edinburgh CSR ------------------------------ From: Eugene miya <> Date: 24 Sep 1986 1012-PDT (Wednesday) Subject: Comment on an editorial comment > [Many say there is every reason to believe we would simply export our > reluctance to build peace (homeostasis in higher-level unity). Others, > Carl Sagan and various astronauts for example, speak eloquently of the > transformative power of seeing Earth whole from space. How can the foot > argue with the hand?] I think the above is from Herb. [Nope. Not me. It might have been sent to me as moderator, and I could have forwarded it, though. Herb] Some physicists and generals argue that we should demonstrate the "amesome destructive power" of nuclear weapons by publicly exploding one every few years, for politicans, and that the amount of released radiation (has to be a surface shot) would be worth avoiding nuclear war. I personally think it will have an opposite effect for some. Foot stepping on nail. From the Rock of Ages Home for Retired Hackers: --eugene miya NASA Ames Research Center eugene@ames-aurora.ARPA "You trust the `reply' command with all those different mailers out there?" {hplabs,hao,nike,ihnp4,decwrl,allegra,tektronix,menlo70}!ames!aurora!eugene ------------------------------ End of Arms-Discussion Digest *****************************