ARMS-D-Request@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (Moderator) (09/25/86)
Arms-Discussion Digest Thursday, September 25, 1986 1:38AM Volume 7, Issue 20 Today's Topics: Autonomous Weapons JANUS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 13:11:57 PDT From: Clifford Johnson <GA.CJJ@Forsythe.Stanford.Edu> Subject: Autonomous Weapons Let's agree that: AN AUTONOMOUS WEAPON IS A SET OF DEVICES PRECONFIGURED TO CONDITIONALLY EXECUTE A BELLIGERENT ACT. As a matter of logic, all weapons since the sword are to a greater or lesser degree autonomous. A computer is a machine, and machines have been around for awhiles. The following was written well before the advent of computers: "Through a blur of dust and fumes there appear, quite suddenly, great black and yellow masses of smoke which seem to be tearing up the surface of the earth and disintegrating the works of man with an almost visible hatred. These form the chief parts of the picture, but somewhere in the middle distance one can see a few irrelevant-looking human figures, and soon there are fewer. It is hard to believe that these are the protagonists in the battle. One would rather choose those huge substantive oily black masses which are so much more conspicuous and suppose that the men are in reality their servants, and playing an inglorious, subordinate, and fatal part in the combat. It is possible, after all, that this view is correct." (J.B.S. Haldane, in Deadalus, or Science and the Future, 1924.) Because of the real sense in which all modern weapons are deemed autonomous, it is fruitful to turn to a definition of the (degree of) autonomy of an autonomous weapon: A WEAPONS SYSTEM IS AUTONOMOUS TO THE DEGREE THAT IT IS PRECONFIGURED TO CONDITIONALLY EXECUTE BILLIGERENT ACT(S). Thus, the autonomy of a weapon is constructed from the weapon's "condition space," which is the set of conditions governing the execution of the belligerent act(s), and from the "outcome space," which is the set of the weapon's possible act(s), only some of which may be belligerent, and into which the weapon is configured to map the conditions. (Note that much of this model applies to autonomy in general.) The analysis of a weapon's autonomy can accordingly proceed with the formal description of: (a) the condition space; (b) the outcome space; and (c) the mapping function. Each is is important to the overall assessment of autonomy, and proneness to error would be an important consideration within each topic. For example, missiles guided by embedded processors are more autonomous than bombs guided by gravity due to the greater complexity of the condition and outcomes spaces, and of the mapping from the first to the latter. However, due to the greater variability in the outcome set (explode/don't vs. explode at A/B), a mine may qualify as more autonomous than a guided missile, despite the relative complexity of the missile. The development of a typology of condition spaces, outcome spaces, and mapping processes would generate a typology of autonomies. For example, autonomy would be essentially "digital," "continuous," or "hybrid," depending on whether the condition space had these characteristics. Other important classifications of the condition space might include whether the conditions were "pre-adjustable" (e.g. by alert-levels) or "target-acquisition (goal) oriented". The outcome space might could be "disparate" or "compact," depending on the variance between possible outcomes, and the mapping processes might be "utility-driven," or "goal-seeking." Prodigious advances in microscopic digital technology have led to the development of weapons systems an order of magnitude more autonomous. It would be surprising if this growth in automation were not associated with fresh cases of illegality under international law. These cases sometimes fall within the scope of extant legal categorizations, but may add fresh emphases due to the qualitatively new encroachment upon decisionmaking domains hitherto reserved for human discretion, and the enlargement of the overall domain of decisionmaking capabilities. The law of nations is manifestly not silent upon the legitimacy of autonomous weapons. Thus, a particular type of autonomous weapon may be illegal persuant to consequent probabilities of conflict initiation, disproportionate response, innocent fatalities, treaty violation, or other infringement of international law. Indeed, autonomous weapons, notably mines and other booby-trap devices, have received special legal attention. The ability of computers to mimic more complex decisionmaking situations than arise with simple booby-trap designs has led to an urgent need to extend the established categories of prohibition. In particular, it should be pronounced by authoritative legislative and judicial councils that, with respect to autonomous weapons: THE NATURE OF A BELLIGERENT ACT AND OF THE CONDITIONS AND CONTEXT OF ITS EXECUTION MAY INHERENTLY REQUIRE RESPONSIBLE DISCRETION AT THE TIME THE CONDITIONS GOVERNING EXECUTION ARE EVALUATED. THIS RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENT IS NOT NECESSARILY MET BY MERE PROVISION OF REAL-TIME OVERRIDE CAPABILITY. There already is a body of international and military law which supports this contention. Delegation, authorization, and competence doctrines may be especially pertinent. Consider, for example, the case presented by the Strategic Defense Initiative, which proposes weapons preconfigured to open fire based upon digitized sensor inputs... To: ARMS-D@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 24 Sep 86 15:20:58 pdt From: eugene@AMES-NAS.ARPA (Eugene Miya) Subject: Re: JANUS Background, I first heard of the JANUS some years back in Time in an article about computer gaming. There was one very poor photo (color) of a terminal. The accompanying article said that (publicity value) one officer so flubbed his game that he took the largest nuclear weapon in his stockpile, dropped it where he thought the enemy was, and succeeded in destroying both the enemy and his forces. JANUS is a teaching tool for the use of tactical nuclear weapons and other battle field management. JANUS is located at the Conflicit Simulation Center at LLNL. Everything I mention is unclassified, and I was informed that an article appeared during mid-August in the SJ Merc News about Janus. (have not seen it.) The system runs on a VAX-11/780 (VMS v4.2) with 8 tektronix color graphics workstations with graphics tablets (4 button), or microVAXen workstations. 4 workstations constitute the Blue Force and 4 constitute the red Force. Workstations have telephones which can be used to simulate radio communications [I found this a bit hokie]. Playing the game on a 1200 baud, or a 9600 baud or lately, a 19.2K baud modem is significant: the faster the modem, the fast a side can respond. The system is largely menu driven. My demonstration had 5 companies (A-E) and the menu had chemical and nuclear options (both of which were disabled since I think this was an unclassified demo). A typical "game" lasts only a day, but the planning for that one day takes a minimum of three days. The system is designed for middle-range commanders from Captains to Colonels. These people typically have no computer experience and work with people familar with the system who "program movement orders, etc." The important part is the communications and cooperation a commander has with his subordinates. Playing this game: 1) it's like batch rather than interactive programing. You don't want to interactively hack a battle, you can't keep up. You want small changes like directing artillery, not big movements. Good battles have well set-up plans to flexibility handle a wide variety of situations. Again, it's designed as a teaching tool rather than a full blown policy (tactics) simulator. The computer handles low-level details, but humans are typically always playing against humans. (My demo was against the machine with a preprogramming Red force, and limited human intervention, see below, about helicopter movement). You clearly don't want a colonel telling every single man below him what to do. My guide was a helicopter gunship pilot by training. > Yes, I would like a description of what it can do. There are a variety of sources of intelligence (some visual, others sensors) information, there is combat engineering (anti-tank trenches mine fields), status information (casualities, reserve units), graphics zoom. > What does it simulate? The simulations starts with a topographic map and an area. There are icons representing tanks, APCs, helicopters, forward observers, etc. My area was at Ft. Irwin in the Mohave desert about an 8 x 8 mile area on the Fort. It simulates "the physical characteristics of a system." This includes the effective ranges of cannon, missiles, and so forth. It includes limited weather characteristics. Example: we fired artillery to lay down smoke to cover the retreat movement of an armored unit. The cloud slowly dispersed during the course of the game. It's not weather ala the global circulation programs. Don't ask for rain or fog in great detail. Running surfaces are simulated to varying degrees. The same thing can be said about night combat. Once engagement starts, it simulates rounds flying throughout a battlefeld. It's not programmed for amphibitious or naval operations, only land and limited air operations (helicopters and A-10s). > How are real data put into it? Real data is keyed in INGRES. Limited interaction takes place using key board and tablet: Movement information, fire control. The system is not "object-oriented." Enabling units (platoons) was cumbersome. There are some real user-interface problems: menus were strictly top-down and you have to pop up levels to get out. Programming evasion must be interesting since general movement orders can be programmed in. There is no use of `AI technique.' There is limited smarts: if a movement order is near enough to a road, the tank will drive on the road. > What level of simulation does it do? It's a tactical simulation of units from the platoon up to brigade or battalion level. You can see individual tanks if you want to. It's an intermediate physical/command simulation. > What kind of weapons hardware does it handle? We clicked buttons on both the Blue and Red forces, and I asked questions. There were table entries for things like M60A3 tanks, M113 APCs, BMPs, T-64s, M-1s, T-72s, Cobras, Dragon launchers, TOWs, Hellfire, howitzers, and the unspecified nuclear and chemical options (I tried a chemical option, no-go, and they told me that it was nothing specific: simply a non-descript non-persistent, not GB). From a given weapons platform, you could ask for line of sight information, weapons ranging info, you could set movement orders. Example: I had two helicopters which I activated as part of the demo. I moved them to maximum range of the armored column where they started to pick the spearhead apart (Intelligence could not tell me where the tail was). We then moved to the Red force terminal, and changed the movement orders of the Red team Anti-Aircraft unit to move wide right where they eventually shot the helicopters down. > How realistic is it? Physical: I've been to Fort Irwin where our topographical simulation took place, so I've seen the tanks and have driven the one of the roads the Blue force was defending (This is where the Goldstone Tracking Station is located). The objective to for a Red Force armored column to take a Blue Force defended pass and road intersection. The forces were equally matched, but Blue was more thinly spread since it was playing defensively. The simulator would have a hard time deailing with forest information. It's not for street fighting in cities either. It's realism has some severe limtations. Helicopter air support only flies at one altitude. This is an obvious simplification, more levels, would add more computational requirement. The game does not stop. Taking status information can cost you. Status information is displayed directly over the playing field, so if something significant gets covered you lose. Non-physical: There are big questions about how lower-level firing decisions are made (the probablistic ones: like hold fire and attack the tail of the column). Part of the intersting realism is the confusion during a battle. All decisions are made on incomplete information. I could occasionally look at the Red force screen only because one partition was down. The moment intelligence information about Red forces appeared on a screen, all hell broke lose. On this stand point, it was real. Realism is also very dependent on the programming. A force will suffer 90% casualities without blinking an eye. Retreats must be specifically programmed, there is no rule otherwise. Suicide missions ala Apple II games are very real. Conclusion of my game: after WE shot down Blue's two helicopters, I was given control of Blue forces and I was overrun. Red force (what was left) took over my intersection. I still had scattered intact Blue forces miles behind Red-lines. We are trying to get the CSC people to give an open technical talk locally. The invitation to visit the JANUS facility and see a demo came to me under the aegis of ACM SIGGRAPH but not directly to my employer who supports my SIGGRAPH activity. I wish to thank SIGGRAPH for the opportunity, and the people at LLNL who took the time and effort to show me their facility. I'll send a description on the use of computers in the design of nuclear weapons in November. From the Rock of Ages Home for Retired Hackers: --eugene miya President Bay Area Chapter, Assoc. for Comp. Mach. Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH) NASA Ames Research Center eugene@ames-aurora.ARPA "You trust the `reply' command with all those different mailers out there?" {hplabs,hao,dual,ihnp4,decwrl,allegra,tektronix,menlo70}!ames!aurora!eugene ------------------------------ End of Arms-Discussion Digest *****************************