ARMS-D-Request@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (Moderator) (11/24/86)
Arms-Discussion Digest Monday, November 24, 1986 1:45PM Volume 7, Issue 69 Today's Topics: Research Mode Nuclear Airplane, SDI Videogame SDI is in research mode! Why defense can look like an attack Qualitative Arms Control and the ABM Treaty (long) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 24 Nov 1986 10:11:16-EST From: Hank.Walker@gauss.ECE.CMU.EDU Subject: Research Mode I haven't heard any response yet to my proposal to start the Tau Ceti Initiative (TCI), a $30B research project to send a manned mission to Tau Ceti. Sure we don't have hardly any idea of how to do it. But it is obviously theoretically possible. TCI is in research mode! The problem with research is that when public pressure gets heavy and wants results, the TCIO is required to waste valuable time and money on useless demonstrations, like going to the Moon. So the very people criticizing the project, force the waste they so adamantly oppose. It seems that the waste of this kind is what they should be trying to prevent! TCI is in research mode! Think of the spinoffs! Warp drive! Dilithium crystals! Phasers! Transporters! I'm sure some of the more learned readers can come up with a much more complete list. The point is, they all began as television research. If that research had been open to public criticism and the pressure had crumbled the project, our movie and television special effects would not be as technologically advanced as they are today. TCI is in research mode! I keep saying this to remind you that you are arguing against something that is in the same stages that any of the other 'worthy' projects (like SDI) are in. First you ask the questions, then you look for the answers. No one will find anything if he isn't looking for it! ------------------------------ Subject: Nuclear Airplane, SDI Videogame Date: Mon, 24 Nov 86 08:05:11 -0800 From: crummer@aerospace.ARPA Nuclear Airplane.... I have a physicist friend that worked on the nuclear airplane project. He says that he and his friends laughed at the outset at the idea and never stopped laughing. The reason? The requirements for the reactor: speed, power, weight, shielding, all together made it a nuclear engineer's joke. They shined it on as long as they could but in the end it was the physical world that couldn't be fooled. This project is a good example of the fact that some things are just not possible no matter how much money and time are thrown at them. It is just not true that the belief of the pure-in-heart is sufficient to bring the laws of physics to heel. SDI Videogame.... The videogame might be a good idea, sort of like the WWII tracking system consisting of pigeons pecking at radar screens to provide feedback for the AA batteries. The big problems are 1) there are no sensors to work the midcourse problem, 2) there are no weapons that can hit the short-burning boosters, and 3) there is no C^3 to translate keystrokes to commands to shoot. Star Wars doesn't exist except in fantasy. --Charlie ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Nov 86 10:42:18 EST From: (Lewis W Kellum) Subject: SDI is in research mode! CFCCS> SDI is in research mode! Billions of dollars spent in "research mode" on a questionable project had *better* come up with some kind of practical results. It's the Administration which is pushing the deployment of a half-baked SDI in order to justify this money. The corporations which live on government military contracts are also encouraging the building of hardware. There seems to be the feeling that because we've been to the moon, developed high-speed computers, and any number of other amazing technical feats, that it's just a matter of time before we develop an SDI system that works. What gets completely lost in this reasoning is that there are equally intelligent people on the SU that will be working on the much easier task of how to defeat an SDI system! We are trying to solve a social problem (national security) with a piece of hardware, when the only real answer is arms control. ------------------------------ Subject: Why defense can look like an attack Date: 24 Nov 86 13:15:50 EST (Mon) From: [this is a re-posting, as my original message seems to have gotten mis-directed, as I haven't seen in on arms-d in the past week or so.] Henry Spencer writes: >The assumption that activation of a defence system necessarily leads >to nuclear destruction is a slightly curious one which is not >adequately explained. Note the word "necessarily"; it is easy to >imagine badly- designed or ill-conceived systems in which it could >(e.g. defensive weapons powered by nuclear explosions). I have also been puzzled by this. I think the logic goes like this: 0) In the presence of SDI, the Russians may adopt a launch-on-warning policy (I believe they have announced they would, but I can provide no reference). Certainly, in their position, I would be tempted to do so (for reasons I explained in my recent message on ``the perfectability of SDI''). 1) Space based systems are vulnerable to pre-emptive ASAT attack, such ASATs can be too cheap to overwhelm. 2) To make the task of the defense system manageable it should be a boost-phase intercept (fewer things to shoot at). 3) Therefore, to have a survivable SDI which can do boost-phase interception, we need a pop-up defense system (probably submarine launched, so the defense system can be positioned near the SU in order to have a prayer of getting above the horizon before the offensive missiles have had Brennschluss and warhead separation). 4) A mistaken launch of the pop-up system is probably hard to distinguish from a pre-emptive attack with SLBMs, which means WWIII starts as a result of Soviet launch on warning. I don't think this is an engineered-to-fail system, since this scenario is roughly the one originally proposed by Lowell Wood's O-group, and to which they keep returning (at least as William Broad tells it in ``Star Warriors''). Actually, I guess a launch of a land-based pop-up system would be hard to distinguish from ICBMs, too. Even if launched from railguns or non-missile systems, how do you tell that the Americans haven't applied their railgun technology to warhead delivery? I do agree that this is a badly designed system (because it is indistinguishable from an attack), but I haven't seen any proposals for an SDI defense that I didn't think was badly designed. (Maybe some kind of land-based laser-Maginot line encircling the US could work.) Of course, O-group keeps talking about bomb-pumped X-ray lasers, too, which I guess you would consider ill-conceived as well. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1986 12:49 EST From: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: Qualitative Arms Control and the ABM Treaty Enclosed is Part I of a draft of a paper called "Qualitative Arms Control and the ABM Treaty". As a draft, please do not cite or quote it in any other forum. Comments are solicited, and will be most useful by 12/15. Qualitative Arms Control and the ABM Treaty: Part I Copyright (c) Herbert Lin, November 1986 All Rights Reserved 1 Introduction The United States and the Soviet Union each have enormous military power. Given this characteristic, and the largely adversarial and potentially dangerous relationship between them, arms control is widely viewed by its supporters as a way to promote stability and to reduce the likelihood of nuclear war by limiting the military options available to each side. A fundamental assumption underlying arms control is that the financial, scientific, and industrial resources of one side are very roughly comparable to that of the other. This rough parity suggests that the unilateral advantages that accrue to one side as the result of that side's achievements are for the most part transient; the resources of the other side would allow it to demonstrate comparable or offsetting achievements within a relatively short time frame. Arms control treaties and agreements can take a variety of forms. For example, an agreement can direct each side to take certain actions under specified circumstances; two examples of such agreements are the "Hot Line" Agreement and the Agreement on Measures to Reduce the Risk of Outbreak of Nuclear War. However, more common are agreements that prohibit certain actions. Often, quantities of certain types of weapons can be restricted (e.g., the ABM Treaty forbids the deployment of more than 100 operational anti-ballistic missile (ABM) interceptors). Alternatively, the basing mode of weapons can be restricted (e.g., the ABM Treaty forbids the deployment of ABM components that are sea-based, air-based, space-based, or mobile land-based [1]). The technological characteristics of certain weapons can be limited (e.g., the ABM Treaty prohibits the testing of certain missiles, launchers, and radars "in an ABM mode".). The fact that military technology inexorably advances has led some analysts to conclude that technological change is an important and negative influence on the feasibility of arms control agreements.[2] As a result, these technologies can make it possible to perform destabilizing missions. For example, if one side deployed ABM defenses of cities that were only modestly capable of defending against a full-scale nuclear attack, it might have an incentive during crisis to attack pre-emptively the other side's nuclear forces, in the belief that its defenses would be capable of blunting a retaliatory strike reduced by its pre-emptive attack. Qualitative arms control (i.e., arms control directed at regulating the evolution of military technology) seeks to forestall such destabilizing changes. In addition, since weapon capabilities in the absence of negotiated restraints are limited only by human ingenuity, qualitative arms control attempts to render the military planning environment more predictable by reducing the need to consider certain capabilities. This paper advances a case for the desirability and feasibility of qualitative arms control under certain conditions. The issues related to qualitative arms control have been driven to the front of the public policy agenda by the Strategic Defense Initiative, whose stated goal directly contravenes the ABM Treaty of 1972. The SDI is ostensibly a research and development program, aimed at providing a modern technology base for weapons capable of destroying strategic ballistic missiles in flight. To the extent that the SDI is intended to remain within Treaty limits, a problem arises because the ABM Treaty provides its most specific guidance for the ABM technologies of 1972. Ambiguities in the Treaty text and questions not fully resolved by the Treaty negotiators become apparent when guidance is sought regarding the treatment of exotic and multi-purpose technologies that can be developed and tested as part of systems whose missions are unrestricted by treaty but similar to the ABM mission. Thus, these ambiguities and questions must be addressed if both sides wish the ABM Treaty to endure as a viable instrument forbidding large-scale ABM defenses. 2 Regulating Technological Change The process of technological change involves many stages, from the sketch of a new weapon concept on a blackboard to a fully operational and ready weapon based on that concept deployed in the field. Regulation is only feasible at those stages that are visible to national technical means of each side, as supplemented by cooperative and/or intrusive measures to which both sides agree.[3] While scientific experiments performed outside the laboratory fall into this category, it is not regarded in general as desirable to prohibit such work, since such work could be put to a variety of uses, both military and non-military. On the other hand, the circumstances under which a weapon is tested provide strong circumstantial (though not necessarily conclusive) evidence for the purpose of such work. Specifically, it is widely assumed that a "pre-prototype" weapon tested successfully under a certain set of circumstances can be further developed into an operational production-line weapon system that could itself perform well under similar circumstances. Thus, it is generally agreed that the observable testing of a weapon provides the first opportunity to regulate technological advances. An optimally desirable qualitative arms control agreement would be one in which actual military capabilities could be known not to exceed those exhibited in weapon tests. However, in practice, disputes can arise over the extent to which the testing regime must actually match the performance required. A more realistic expectation for qualitative arms control is that as the spread between the performance level to which a weapon has actually been tested and the performance level actually required for a certain military capability increases, planners will have less and less confidence in the ability of that weapon to perform as required.[4] For example, an air-breathing cruise missile may never have been tested beyond a certain range, say X km. However, by extending its fuselage to accommodate extra fuel, its range might be increased. Its increased range could be demonstrated by flying the missile to X km on several occasions while varying the amount of fuel carried by the missile. In this way, the missile could be tested in every applicable flight regime. On the other hand, if the increased range sought were a great deal larger than the original range (e.g., ten times larger), it is likely that an entirely new missile would have to be designed; a new missile would require an entirely new program of testing as well. The regulation of weapons testing prohibits certain types of weapon operation or behavior during a test. In general, the regulation of weapons testing has required the two sides to agree on specific parameters that characterize the weapon involved. These parameters may relate to the physical characteristics of the weapon; for example, under the SALT II agreement, an ICBM would be defined as "new" if its volume or throw-weight changed by more than 5%. Alternatively, these parameters may relate to the performance characteristics of the weapon involved, as in the case of the Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT) of 1974 limiting nuclear tests to a 150 kiloton yield. Once it is agreed that a certain parameter characterizes the performance of a particular military technology, the two sides must agree on a threshold value for that parameter which defines the regime to which each side will confine its weapons testing. To the extent that the parameter is one that is observable at values above the threshold, the agreement is a workable one. The determination of the appropriate threshold value is a complex process, into which military, political and technical judgments must enter. Historically, threshold values appear to have been set according to one of the following two criteria: - The threshold level could be set at a level commensurate with the maximum detection and measurement capabilities of verification technology. For example, SALT II negotiators believed that the 5% limit on increases in missile volume and throw-weight were adequately verifiable, but that smaller increases were not. - The threshold level could be set a level that does not place significant restrictions on any military programs (existing or planned) at the time of the agreement. For example, the limit of 150 kiloton yield of the TTBT did not significantly impede weapon development planned at the time.[5] These criteria do not exhaust the possibilities for qualitative arms control. Another approach would be to ban the testing of entire classes of weapons. For example, the ABM Treaty forbids the testing of ABM systems or components that are space-based. The U.S. and the Soviet Union could agree to a ban on the flight-testing of all ballistic missiles. Such agreements are conceptually simple and close off entire areas of weaponry. However, since they are such blunt instruments, they do not allow military planners the latitude to take into account their own requirements. If it is desirable for arms control agreements to permit greater military flexibility, agreement on appropriate threshold values should be based on the technical requirements of a specific military capability that each side wished to ban. This would be possible if the two sides can agree on particular parameters that are relevant to the military capability to be banned, and if it is possible to distinguish between parameter regimes that characterize the capability to be banned from other permitted military capabilities. While such an approach could be more precisely tailored to the military requirements and concerns of each side, in practice, this approach poses at least three difficulties, whose resolution would require both technical and political inputs. For example, one complication is that when restrictions are placed on certain parameters, it may be possible for weapons engineers to circumvent the implied limits on military technology by improving the performance of a weapon in ways that are permitted. For example, the SALT II Treaty of 1979 limited changes in missile throw-weight (a measure of the destructive capability of a missile) to 5%. However, the Mark 12A re-entry vehicle was fitted onto 300 Minuteman III missiles by 1983, doubling the explosive yield of missiles so equipped without changing the throw-weight.[6] On the other hand, the introduction of a weapon capable of exceeding these implied limits would be delayed, thus providing a "grace period" during which military planners would not need to be concerned about the other side's possession of the forbidden military capability or in which they could plan to counter these capabilities. A second complication is that few military capabilities will separate cleanly according to performance characteristics. In this case, a political judgment must be made concerning the relative importance of military capabilities that require performance similar to that required by the forbidden military capability. Thus, the U.S. must judge that denying the Soviets a particular military capability is worth foregoing that capability itself and also related capabilities. A third complication is that the U.S. tends to favor limitations based on capability (e.g., limiting systems capable of countering ballistic missiles), whereas the Soviets tend to favor limitations based on intentions (e.g., limiting systems intended to counter ballistic missiles).[7] Each side has legitimate reasons for its position: the U.S. attributes great significance to the fact that intentions cannot be monitored and may change easily, while the Soviets attribute great significance to the fact that many technologies have a variety of useful military purposes. This capability-oriented approach to regulation "splits the difference" in that it defines military capabilities using a metric of objective parameters. [... To be Continued in one more part...] ------------------------------ End of Arms-Discussion Digest *****************************