[mod.telecom] CSCW '86 Program


Following is the program for CSCW '86: the Conference on
Computer-Supported Cooperative Work .  Registration material can
be obtained from Barbara Smith at MCC (basmith@mcc).

                   ***             CSCW '86          ***

                             DECEMBER 3 - 5, 1986
                                 AUSTIN, TEXAS

                           Tuesday, December 2, 1986

6:00pm - 10:00pm    Registration
6:00pm - 10:00pm    Reception/Refreshments

                          Wednesday, December 3, 1986

8:00am - 5:00pm     Registration

8:30am - 9:00am     Opening Remarks
     Welcome:       Herb Krasner, Conference Chair
     Conference Themes:  Irene Greif, Program Chair

9:00am - 10:30am    Supporting Face-to-Face Groups
     Chair:    George Huber
               University of Texas, Austin

   - Project NICK: Meetings Augmentation and Analysis
     Michael  Begeman,  Peter  Cook, Clarence Ellis, Mike Graf, Gail Rein,
     and Tom Smith

   - Cognoter, Theory and Practice of a Colab-orative Tool
     Gregg Foster
     University of California, Berkeley

   - A Group  Decision  Support  System  for  Idea  Generation  and  Issue
     Analysis in Organizational Planning
     Lynda M. Applegate, Benn R. Konsynski, J. F. Nunamaker
     University of Arizona

10:30am - 11:00am   Break

11:00am - 12:30am   Empirical Studies
     Chair:    Bill Curtis

   - The  Variable  Impact of Computer Technologies on the Organization of
     Work Activities
     Jeanette Blomberg

   - Cognitive Science and Organizational Design: A Case Study of Computer
     Kevin Crowston, Thomas W. Malone, and F. Lin
     M. I. T.

   - Narratives at Work, Story Telling as Cooperative Diagnostic Activity
     Julian Orr

12:30pm - 2:00pm    Lunch

2:00pm - 4:00pm     Supporting Distributed Groups
     Chair:    Irene Greif
               M. I. T.

   - Constraints on Communication and Electronic Messaging
     Martha Feldman
     University of Michigan

   - Evolving Electronic Communication Networks:  An Empirical Assessment
     J. D. Eveland and Tora Bikson
     The Rand Corporation

   - Semi-Structured   Messages   as   a   Basis   for  Computer-Supported
     Thomas W. Malone, Kenneth R. Grant,  Kum-Yew  Lai,  Ramana  Rao,  and
     David Rosenblitt
     M. I. T.

   - The   Amigo   Project:   Advanced   Group   Communication  Model  for
     Computer-Based Communications Environment
     Thore Danielsen, University of Tromsoe, Norway
     Uta  Pankoke-Babatz  and  Wolfgang  Prinz,  Institute   for   Applied
     Information Technology, West Germany
     Ahmed Patel, University College Dublin, Ireland
     Paul-Andre Pays, Department Informatique Appliquee, France
     Knut Smalland, University of Oslo, Norway
     Rolf Speth, Commission of the European Communities, Belgium

4:00pm - 4:30pm     Break

4:30pm - 6:00pm     Panel Sessions in Parallel

     Panel I:  Cooperative Work in the Office
               Moderator:  Clarence Ellis, MCC

     Panel II:  Collaborative Design:  Technology Futures
               Moderator:  Herb Krasner, MCC

8:00pm              Special Session with Doug Engelbart:
               High Performance Teams

                          Thursday, December 4, 1986

9:00am - 10:30am    Hypertext Systems
     Chair:    Lucy Suchman

   - Contexts -- A Partitioning Concept for Hypertext
     Norman Delisle and Mayer Schwartz
     Tektronix Laboratories

   - Supporting Collaboration in NoteCards
     Randall Trigg, Lucy Suchman and Frank Halasz

   - Intermedia:  Issues,  Strategies,  and  Tactics  in  the  Design of a
     Hypermedia Document System
     L. Nancy Garrett, Karen Smith and Norman Meyrowitz
     Brown University

10:30am - 11:00am   Break

11:00am - 12:30pm   Underlying Technology for Collaborative Systems
     Chair:    Thomas Malone
               M. I. T.

   - Data Sharing in Group Work
     Irene Greif, M. I. T.
     Sunil Sarin, Computer Corporation of America

   - Network-based Systems for Asynchronous Group Communication
     Nancy F. Jarrell and Bill Barrett
     IBM Cambridge Scientific Center

   - Tools Help People Co-operate Only To The Extent That They  Help  Them
     Share Goals and Terminology
     Robert Neches
     USC Information Sciences Institute

12:30pm - 2:00pm    Lunch and CSCW '88 Planning Meeting (Open)

2:00pm - 4:00pm     Collaboration Research
     Chair:    Margrethe Olson
               N. Y. U.

   - A Language Perspective on the Design of Cooperative Work
     Terry Winograd
     Stanford University

   - A Framework for Studying Research Collaboration
     Lucy Suchman and Randall Trigg

   - Relationships and Tasks in Scientific Research Collaborations
     Robert Kraut, Bell Communications Research,
     Jolene Galegher, University of Arizona
     Carmen Egido, Bell Communications Research

   - Collaboration Research in SCL
     George Goodman and Mark Abel
     Xerox Palo Alto Research Center Northwest

4:00pm - 4:30pm     Break

4:30pm - 6:00pm     Panel Sessions in Parallel
     Panel I:  From Theories to Systems
               Moderator: Paul Cashman, Digital Equipment Corporation

     Panel II:  Computer-Supported Groups:  Trends & Markets
               Moderator:  Robert Johansen, Institute for the Future

7:00pm         Banquet

                           Friday, December 5, 1986

9:00am - 10:30am    Interfaces: Multi-media and Multi-user
     Chair:    Ben Shneiderman
               University of Maryland

   - A Performing Medium for Working Group Graphics
     Fred Lakin
     Stanford University

   - An Experiment in Integrated Multimedia Conferencing
     Keith Lantz
     Stanford University

   - WYSIWIS Reconsidered:  Early Experiences with Multi-User Interfaces
     Mark Stefik, Gregg Foster, Stan Lanning, Deborah Tatar

10:30am - 11:00am   Break

11:00am - 12:30am   Industrial Experiences with Computer-Supported Groups
     Chair:    Mark Stefik

   - Computer Teleconferencing: Experience at Hewlett Packard
     Tony Fanning and Bert Raphael
     Hewlett Packard Company

   - Achieving  Sustainable  Complexity  Through  Information  Technology:
     Theory and Practice
     Paul Cashman and David Stroll
     Digital Equipment Corporation

   - Computer-Supported Cooperative Work:   Examples  and  Issues  in  One
     Federal Agency
     Cathleen Stasz and Tora Bikson
     The Rand Corporation

12:30pm - 2:00pm    Lunch

2:00pm - 4:00pm     Coordination and Decision Making
     Chair:    Chris Bullen
               M. I. T.

   - CHAOS as a Coordination Technology
     F. De Cindio, G. De Michelis, C. Simone, R. Vassallo, and A. Zanaboni
     Universita di Milano

   - Using  a  Computer  Based  Tool  to  Support  Collaboration:  A Field
     Robert Dunham, Management Effectiveness and Planning
     Bonnie M. Johnson, Aetna Life and Casualty
     Grady McGonagill, Merron & McGonagill Associates
     Margrethe Olson, New York University
     Gerladine M. Weaver, Aetna Life and Causalty

   - Computer-Based Systems for Group Decision Support: Status of Use  and
     Problems in Development
     Kenneth Kraemer and John King
     University of California, Irvine

   - SYNVIEW:  The  Design  of  a  System  for  Cooperative Structuring of
     David Lowe
     New York University

4:00pm - 4:30pm     Break

4:30pm - 5:30pm     Invited Speaker:  John Seely Brown
               Vice President, Advanced Research
               Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
