[mod.telecom] Speech Digitizing / Phone Boards


I have experience with two speech digitizing cards for the PC, the
CompuTalker board and the Dialogic board(s).

The CompuTalker board is a fairly old design and I got it some years
ago, but it has some nice features.  In particular, it has an
excellent AGC circuit that deals well with the volume variations in
long distance calls vs. local calls.  It can playback and record
speech at various rates, the lowest being 1200 bytes/second, and 2000
bytes/second for most telephone applications.  It can detect and send
TouchTones and it has good call progression software.  The board works
with either the telephone line or a mike/speaker setup.  I believe the
price is $600.  CompuTalker can be reached at 213-828-6546.

I have also used the Dialog/40 card from Dialogic.  This card can
handle up to 4 telephone lines at once, and you can install multiple
cards for even more lines.  It has a very nice event queueing package
that allows you to write software for it in a semi-reasonable way (too
bad DOS doesn't do tasking!).  It does the usual playback/record and
TouchTones, the rate is something like 2500 bytes/second.  The PC only
gets interrupted once per buffer, rather than once per byte, so it's
not overloaded.  The board only connects to telephone lines.  The
Dialog/40 card costs $1000 and their number is 201-334-8450.  They
also make a single line board.

I have also use the Texas Instruments and IBM speech cards.  Both of
these are more elaborate.  They both use the TMS320 chip to do LPC
speech and can also do text-to-speech synthesis.  Billy has covered
them in detail in past digests, so I won't repeat the info here.

Dick Gillmann

[See Info-IBMPC@B.ISI.EDU for relevant back-issues and such. -Elmo]