Steve_Pershing@UBC.MAILNET (10/08/86)
Following is a reply to Message-ID: (8610050731.AA01362@ucbvax) Dated: 2 Oct 86 02:56:40 GMT From: Your clock-radio/telephone probably has a fluorescent or LED clock display... These displays scan across each digit in a sequential fashion, and the scanning is probably what you are hearing on the phone receiver. It is just due to cheap design. The easiest thing to do is disable the scanning when you pick up the handset to dial...have you tried to unplug the radio from the AC line? If that works, you might be able to disable only the line powering the display, and then rig an internal switch connected physically to the telephone's switch-hook, which could cut off the power to the display whenever you wanted to callout or answer the line.