[mod.telecom] Texas Intrastate Long Distance Service Offerings

rbbb@RICE.EDU.UUCP (12/03/86)

Does anyone know of a long distance service from Austin to Houston
that charges less than .21 per minute at cheapest (late night and
weekend) rates?  Sprint with 12% volume discount is about .21/minute,
and LDS (Metromedia) quotes me .21 per minute at night rates.  I saw
some advertisements from ATT for (in volume, which is no problem) I
think $10 per hour (.16/min), but Austin and Houston are in the same

Are their other alternatives?  (For instance, how much is in-state
outgoing WATS per month?)  As is, I intend to drop Sprint like a rock as
soon as I don't need them, with a nasty letter explaining my feelings
about subsidizing interstate callers.


[Your WATS service question is best directed to your local business
 business office.  Withholding comment on Sprint, your intrastate
 rates are set by a state regulatory commission and may be higher
 than equivalent interstate service. -Elmo]