[mod.computers.workstations] Tournament Design Query

MCGRATH%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@MIT-XX.ARPA ("Jim McGrath") (01/23/86)


    I have a programming problem I have not been able to solve.
    Perhaps someone else has already solved it?

    My problem is that I want to make a plan for a league of teams to
    play e.g. soccer or ice-hockey.

    Such a league consists of an even number of teams, between 4 and
    18 teams in a league. Each team is to meet each other team twice,
    one at home and one at home of the other team....

See Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullann.  Data Structures and Algorithms.
Addison-Wesley, 1983.  On page 310 they discuss an algorithm for
constructing a round robin tennis tournament schedule.  It should be
easy to adapt it for your problem.
