PYRAMID USER'S GROUP PUBLIC DOMAIN LIBRARY SUBMISSION FORM This form is to be used when submitting new or updated programs or documentation to the Pyramid User Group's public domain library. Please type or print all information. Incomplete forms may result in a delay of the final distribution. General Information 1. Submission name ______________________________ New Entry __________ (or) Version/Last date compiled ___________________ Revised Entry_______ 2. Current Author _____________________________________________________ Author's Affiliation _______________________________________________ Author's Address (network) _________________________________________ Author's Address (US mail) _________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Zip Code ___________ 3. Submitter's name (if different) ____________________________________ Submitter's Affiliation ____________________________________________ Submitter's Address (network) ______________________________________ Submitter's Address (US mail) ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ Zip Code ___________ 4. Which of the above information may be published for the Author: Name ___ Affiliation ___ Network address ___ Submitter: Name ___ Affiliation ___ Network address ___ 5. Please indicate the universe that the submission was compiled under: System V ___ BSD 4.X ___ 6. Please indicate which version of OSx is this program known to run under: _____ 7. Source code language used: __________________________________________________________________ 8. Special hardware required (Please list any and all necessary hardware other than minimum requirements for the system): __________________________________________________________________ -1- 9. Other software required (Please list any software necessary to this program other than compilers, assemblers, loaders and operating systems as explained in 6 & 7): ________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. Are the complete sources included with this submission? Yes ___ No ___ If No, please explain ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 11. Are any binary, object, or executable files included with this submission that do not have related source files? Yes ___ No ___ If Yes, please explain ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 12. List any licenses required for the binary code ______________________________________________ for the source code ______________________________________________ 13. Please state any known problems, deficiencies or operating restrictions, if any: ____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 14. Will you be updating or enhancing this code? Yes ___ No ___ Will you send us the revisions? Yes ___ No ___ 15. If this is a revision of a previous submission? If so, please complete the following: Previous name (If different) _____________________________________ Previous version number __________ Previous author (If known) _______________________________________ -2- Improvements over previous version _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 16. May the sources be distributed to sites with proper licensing? Yes ___ No ___ If No, please explain ________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ MATERIAL SUBMITTED 1. Please submit all documentation on machine readable media. 2. Please note that an abstract is required for all submissions. Briefly describe the submission in 75 to 250 words. This will be the submission's library entry when the code is announced. 3. Please describe all documentation included: ______________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Magnetic media must be accompanied by appropriate hardcopy directory listings. All tapes must be clearly labeled to indicate the identity of each tape. Number of magtapes submitted ____ Density 1600 BPI ___ Tape Format tar ___ 6250 BPI ___ cpio ___ 5. Please give us the exact command syntax used to write the tape(s): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. All submissions should be sent to the following address: Pyramid User's Group - Submission Department PO Box 879 Hill Center Busch Campus Rutgers University, NJ 08855-0879 2. If package is licensed, please contact the above address before submitting your program(s). 3. We would appreciate instructions for testing the program. We will attempt to rebuild it from the sources provided and test it before final distribution takes place. 4. Any additional comments or instructions should be included with this form. Any comments that the users of the submission should be made aware of must be included with the abstract description of the program. -3- -------