[mod.computers.macintosh] INFO-MAC Digest V4 #5

INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA (Moderator Richard M. Alderson) (01/23/86)

INFO-MAC Digest         Wednesday, 22 Jan 1986      Volume 4 : Issue 5

Today's Topics:
                       The list is back in action
                              MacWorld Expo


Date: Sun 19 Jan 86 23:31:37-PST
Subject: The list is back in action

The Info-Mac Digests are back.

I apologize to all those who have suffered the long drought so patiently.
I won't bore the entire readership with the long list of reasons that I
took so long to get back into the swing of this.  Now that I am back, I
will clear out a very large backlog, and then step aside.

My special thanks go to those across the country who offered their help.
It would have been difficult to set up forwardings and such because I have
no privileges here on the SUMEX machine--my status is that of a guest, with
an account only because I am moderating the digest.

In any case, we are back.  There will be a large number of large digests
coming in the next days.  A lot of software has come in, along with quite a
few questions.  The newsy items will, I'm afraid, have lost a little of
their punch, but that will change very quickly.

								Rich Alderson

P. S.  This note was supposed to come out Sunday, but SUMEX had hardware
problems that made them take it down.


Date: Tue 21 Jan 86 19:48:09-PST
Subject: MacWorld Expo

Too crowded, too commercial.  [Opinion of the writer.]

One thing did stand out in my mind:  Everyone seems to agree that the SCSI
port on the Mac Plus means that prices for Mac hard disks from ALL manufac-
turers have to drop.

The Mac Plus looks like a nice machine, but it's evolutionary, not revolu-
tionary.  It DOES fix up some flaws in the original design, but it's NOT
the open-architecture machine many were hoping for.  Ah, well, such is

There are also upgrade kits, and those who bought their machines in the
last two or three months (I don't have the fencepost dates available to me)
can receive a rebate for the upgrades.  I'm still looking for someone to do
something about my two-year-old 128K single-drive wonderbox.

								Rich Alderson

"Although these may be the opinions of lots of people I know, I'm the one
who expressed them here.  And there's nothing less official than that!"


End of INFO-MAC Digest