[mod.computers.laser-printers] INFO-POSTSCRIPT mailing list

Reuling@SU-SCORE.ARPA (John Reuling) (11/08/85)

Announcing the creation of INFO-POSTSCRIPT...


   Mailing list for discussion of the PostScript page
   description language and the printers and systems on
   which it runs.

   Submissions to the list should be sent to:
      uucp ->  glacier!info-postscript

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list,
   problems, questions, et cetera, should be sent to:
      uucp -> glacier!info-postscript-request

   Archives will be kept on SU-SCORE in the directory
   PS:<INFO-POSTSCRIPT>.  They will be available from
   Arpanet sites via anonymous FTP.

   Coordinator: John Reuling <Reuling@SU-SCORE>

[This list will start out as a simple rebroadcast address. If traffic
warrants, it will become a digest.]