[mod.computers.laser-printers] Laser printer advice wanted

shull@WHARTON-10.ARPA ("CHRISTOPHER E. SHULL") (02/23/86)

What printer would I want to support if I was a OEM, VAR or software developer?

You can bet it would support PostScript!  Although I am not familiar with your
products or intent, PostScript can be used to print whatever it is you need to
print.  PostScript is the single page description standard that runs on a range
of printers from a variety of manufacturers.  At present they include Apple,
DataProducts, Linotype Corporation, and QMS.  The Apple LaserWriter and LW+,
and QMS printers both feature 8 page/minute speeds (best case), and 300 dpi
resolutions.  The DataProducts printers also do 300 dpi, but print at 24-26
pages per minute.  The PostScript processing overhead is reported to slow this
down to as little as a few pages per minute, but the duty cycle (pages/month)
is five-six times that of the Apple and QMS printers.  The Linotype printers
are quite different in that they are really digital typesetters, offering
resolutions of 1400 dpi and 2540 dpi on their two models.  I've seen the 1400
dpi printer's output, and it is truly amazing.

In that I do not benefit from the sale of PostScript based equipment anymore
than most other folks (excepting those who insist on using proprietary page
description languages), I will cut my enthusiastic outburst short.


Christopher E. Shull
Decision Sciences Department
The Wharton School                         Shull@Wharton.ARPA
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6366               (215) 898-5930

ir679@SDCC6.ACC.UCSD.EDU (David Rivas) (02/25/86)

	Well, as it turns out my wife works for a company that integrates
their controlers into cannon based printers. The name of the company is OASYS
this is an acronym for Office Automation Systems. I think that they are selling
to consumers now, although I do remember that  at one time they were interested
in OEM deals. The products are basically desk top machines. The phone number is
(619) 576-9500. They have just recently (1 week ago) moved to a new building, 
unfortunately I don't have the address with me. If you are interested please
drop me a line and I will send it to you. 

	I have never used any of thier products so I won't comment on them.

	Good Luck,

	David Rivas
	La, Jolla California

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