[mod.computers.laser-printers] Summary of responses to request on DIA/DCA and PostScript...

shull@WHARTON-10.ARPA ("CHRISTOPHER E. SHULL") (08/03/86)

    Thanks to all of you who took time to address my questions on DIA/DCA
and PostScript documentation for developers.  The results were pretty cut
and dried.  I wasn't too worried about getting lots of responses on
PostScript, but am particularly grateful for the references on DIA/DCA.
The rest of this message contains extracts of the most useful responses:

    To write DIA/DCA utilities, Henry Schaffer,
<ecsvax!hes%mcnc.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>, suggested some IBM manuals,
      GG24-1604  Office Systems Interconnection:  Guide to Connecting
                 non-DIA Systems to DISOSS,  March 1984
                 (He has this, and it is mainly on how non-DIA IBM
                  systems can use SNA and CICS to talk to DIA.)

      SC30-3096 DISOSS/370 Version 3 Application Programming,
      GG24-1614 DISOSS Application Interface:  Programming Guidelines,
      SC30-3093 Manual for system programmers planning a DISOSS office.

He also commented:

>   The work the Navy has sponsored on the DIF file specifications/translation
>   (not Visicorp DIF) has included DCA.  Perhaps someone at the Dept. of
>   Navy Office Automation and Communication (DONOACS) could help.  I heard
>   about this from Ted Holden (...seismo!elsie!imsvax!ted) at IMS Inc. where
>   they have worked on a contract concerning this.  Their understanding of
>   DCA may be proprietary.  Ted's comment on DCA, "its functionality and
>   structure are essentially those of a 1965 typewriter."
>   I would very much like to find out about a DCA definition.  I've been
>   thinking of getting a copy of Displaywriter III and writing some files
>   and then looking at them to see how the different features are done.
>   --henry schaffer  n c state univ    ...mcnc!ecsvax!hes   (uucp)
>                                          hes@ecsvax.BITNET

Paul L. Allen, <nike!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!paula@ucbvax.berkeley.edu>,
made the following comments:

>   The documentation you want for DIA/DCA is available from IBM.  We have
>   had several projects here involving DIA and DCA.  I don't have access to
>   the manuals anymore, so I can't give you titles.  Call IBM.  If IBM
>   doesn't know what you are talking about, email me.  There is a remote
>   chance I can locate our old manuals and get you document numbers and
>   titles.
>    DCA is an enormously complex architecture for the representation of
>    documents.  The manual defines *lots* of "exception" conditions.  If you
>    are reading a file produced by an IBM product, you probably don't have
>    to worry about these.  If you are creating a file to be sent to an IBM
>    system, be aware that no two IBM DCA-based products implement the same
>    subset of DCA.  For instance, DCA specifies that the max length of a
>    Body Text vector is 65K bytes.  However, a Displaywriter (TextPack 4)
>    will hang if it receives a BT vector exceeding about 1200 bytes!
>    Thus you need not only to avoid the exception conditions defined by DCA,
>    but also to understand the specific limitations of the device you are
>    going to.
>    DIA is a protocol for the exchange of documents.  It includes the
>    specification of "envelopes" that enclose documents.  I don't have
>    direct experience with it, but I do know that it is not safe to assume
>    that an IBM implementation of DIA conforms exactly to their published
>    definition.
>    Paul L. Allen
>    Boeing Computer Services Artificial Intelligence Center
>    ...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!paula

     To write PostScript drivers, the references of choice are the:

        "PostScript Language Reference Manual"
        ISBN 0-201-10174-2
        "PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook"
        ISBN 0-201-10179-3.

Both are written by:

        Adobe Systems Incorporated
        1870 Embarcadero Rd.
        Suite 100
        Palo Alto, CA 94303
        (415) 852-0271

and published by

        Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
        Reading, MA  01867
        (617) 944-3700

>    From: Glenn Reid <adobe!greid@decwrl.DEC.COM>
>    >  3. If I want to write a driver for an Apple LaserWriter, do I need
>    >     any documents from Apple?  If so, what, and where can I get one?
>    Not in the sense that you would be writing a PostScript driver.
>    There are some LaserWriter-dependent features that you might want
>    to exploit (like manualfeed, for instance).  Apple has a document
>    entitled "Inside LaserWriter" that you might want to look at.
>    >  4. Is a PostScript printer a PostScript printer a PostScript printer?
>    >     Or, in other words, will a driver for an Apple LaserWriter drive
>    >     a QMS printer, a DataProducts printer and a Allied Lynotype
>    >     typesetter without modification, or are the modifications merely
>    >     minimized?
>    Yes, a PostScript printer is a PostScript printer, in the spirit of
>    your question.  There are certain differences among them, of course,
>    but they differ only in terms of "features".  For instance, the
>    DataProducts has more than one paper tray, the Linotype does not have
>    manualfeed, but it does have a hard disk and a filesystem accessible
>    from PostScript, and so on.  If you stick to the standard PostScript
>    language, you need not make any modifications.  If you attempt to take
>    advantage of the features of the different printers from your
>    application, be careful to check for their existence first (in
>    statusdict, typically; use "known" or "where") to avoid problems.
>    Glenn Reid
>    Technical Staff
>    Adobe Systems Incorporated
>    (415) 852-0271
>    From: rusty@weyl.berkeley.edu (Rusty Wright)
>    apparently not all postscript printers are created equal.  on the unix
>    tex distribution tape from the univ. washington there is a tex driver
>    for the the apple laserwriter.  i tried using it with the qms
>    postscript printer and nothing ever came out.  i can't remember if
>    subsequent (non-tex) jobs would print ok without powering down the
>    printer.
>    From: reid@decwrl.DEC.COM (Brian Reid)
>    It is possible to write a PostScript program that will not work on
>    every printer. It is equally possible to write a Pascal program that
>    will not work on every computer. However, there is a set of rules, all
>    of which are documented, such that if you follow them, your PostScript
>    program will work anywhere.
>    In the particular case of the TeX driver, its problem is that it messes
>    around with the transformation matrix. The QMS 1200 printer feeds paper
>    long-edge-first, while the Apple printer feeds paper short-edge-first
>    (rotated 90 degrees from that). This means that the default
>    transformation matrices are different--rotated, translated, etc.
>    If you use "setmatrix", to forcibly stuff a transformation matrix out
>    there (rather than concatenating them from the default matrix), then
>    you will have created a machine-dependent PostScript file (unless the
>    matrix that you are setting was created properly).
>    Brian Reid
>    From: nike!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!paula@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
>    Date: Mon, 14 Jul 86 16:31:45 pdt
>    Subject: Re: Documentation on DIA/DCA and PostScript for developers
>    The documentation you want for DIA/DCA is available from IBM.  We have
>    had several projects here involving DIA and DCA.  I don't have access to
>    the manuals anymore, so I can't give you titles.  Call IBM.  If IBM
>    doesn't know what you are talking about, email me.  There is a remote
>    chance I can locate our old manuals and get you document numbers and
>    titles.
>    The best documentation I have seen for Postscript/LaserWriter comes from
>    Adobe Systems Inc.  We purchased the Adobe documentation from Apple.  It
>    came in a 3-ring binder labelled "Macintosh: Inside LaserWriter".  Along
>    with a bunch of stuff specific to the Mac, it includes four major
>    sections: "The Postscript Language Manual", "The Postscript Cookbook",
>    "The Adobe Font Manual", and "The Advanced Users Supplement".  At least
>    the first two sections are published separately in paperback by
>    Addison-Wessley.  All four sections are copyright by Adobe Stems.  If
>    you are writing code for the LaserWriter, you *need[
>    Supplement.
>    All Postscript printers execute Postscript "programs".  The "Inside
>    LaserWriter" manual contains a description of the way a LaserWriter
>    reports status and such.  It is not clear whether this is part of the
>    Postscript standard or just Apple's implementation.  The major part (the
>    Postscript converter) of your driver will work with any Postscript
>    printer.  The part that actually communicates with the printer might be
>    different for different printers.
>    Hope this helps.
>    Paul
>     Paul L. Allen
>     Boeing Computer Services Artificial Intelligence Center
>     ...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!bcsaic!paula

In summary, I have ordered the IBM references, and I already had the
"PostScript Language Reference Manual" and "PostScript Language Tutorial
and Cookbook".  I suspect that they contain enough of the "The Adobe Font
Manual" and "The Advanced Users Supplement" sections of "Inside LaserWriter"
that I do not plan to buy "Inside LW".

Thanks again for your assistance!


Christopher E. Shull
Decision Sciences Department
The Wharton School                      Shull@Wharton-10.ARPA
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA  19104-6366            215/898-5930
