moore.wbst@XEROX.COM (08/12/86)
I tried calling two of the numbers that Mike Lesk mentioned as sources of digital maps. First I tried The U.S. Census Bureau. They sell tapes at $140 a reel and have a delivery time of two to three weeks. Most metropolitan areas can fit on one reel. You can ask for 1600bpi or 6250. They have a circular they will send out. The information available includes streets with block numbers, intersection data and some railroads. Second I called the US Geological Survey. The people to talk to there is the National Cartigraphic Information Center which has a NEW number: 800-USA-MAPS. They also have a circular to send out. As mentioned before their tapes contain elevation information. Lee Moore (disclaimer: these comments are my own; Xerox Corp. may or may not agree)