Ad0r@TE.CC.CMU.EDU.UUCP (08/02/86)
We have a QMS 1200 here at CMU. Ours doesn't get very heavy use, but it seems to jam a lot. It's probably widely known that it's an oem'd xerox 2700 (or at least that's what I'm told). One of the levers inside that allows you to clear the jams really likes to get wedged on the wrong side of a pin when you close it. We've had a lot of problems with that. The paper cassettes don't hold much at all, but it does seem to be able to pull paper from both of them by itself. Once, we had paper stuck in it so bad that the paper got massively charred. I haven't personally used the machine that much, but I've cleared a lot of paper jams from it. I guess I should also say that ours started out as a straight qms, but from time to time the front of the controller box has switched back and forth between QMS and Talaris. Our people like to experiment. Under either configuration, the problems were the same. -------
brahms@rlgvax.UUCP (George Skillman) (08/13/86)
In article <12227618271.17.AD0R@TE.CC.CMU.EDU>, Ad0r@TE.CC.CMU.EDU (Uli Jon Roth) writes: > > We have a QMS 1200 here at CMU. Ours doesn't get very heavy use, > but it seems to jam a lot. It's probably widely known that it's > an oem'd xerox 2700 (or at least that's what I'm told). One of the > levers inside that allows you to clear the jams really likes to > get wedged on the wrong side of a pin when you close it. We've had a lot > of problems with that. > > ... > Once, we had paper stuck in it so bad that the paper got massively charred. > ------- The 12 page per minute print engine that Xerox OEM's is called the XP-12E while the 24 ppm engine is the XP-24E. Xerox sells these print engines with their own controllers as the Xerox 2700 and Xerox 3700 laser printers. We haven't had much trouble with paper jams on our 2700 as we have had on our 3700. I've noticed that the following are common causes of paper jams: 1) Warped paper. If paper sits in our 3700 for more than a day, moisture gets into it and it refuses to feed. This happens with legal paper especially. Our office's climate control system may have something to do with this. 2) Toner on the feed rollers. Xerox has a special styrofoam board with velcro pads. I put alcohol on the pads and put the board in a cassette in place of the paper and feed a job through. The rollers wipe themselves clean on the pads. I've experienced the problems that Jon describes regarding charred pages and the tendency for the lever to get wedged incorrectly on our 2700. However, I consider the problems with Xerox's controllers to be more of a headache. Complex pages can easily overtax either the 2700 or the 3700 resulting in garbage output or a hung printer. Our new Xerox 4045 hasn't done this to us yet, however. George Skillman Computer Consoles, Inc. seismo!rlgvax!brahms