[mod.computers.laser-printers] LaserJet setup

mlw@NCSC.ARPA (Williams) (10/29/86)

Tom Rutledge asked about setting up the LaserJet+ at 16 cpi and 
landscape mode, plus a print spooler.  We use our LaserJet with
a hardware print buffer rather than a spooler.  We chose a "Printer
Optimizer" from Applied Creative Technology and have been pleased
with it.  For one thing, it will hold set-up strings and send them
to the printer at the push of a button - or two.  It also provides
very versatile connections -- serial in/out to parallel in/out with
options for extra ports.  It's not cheap -- a 256K version with
1 parallel and 2 serial inputs, 1 parallel and 1 serial output
cost about $700.  But it works reliably and is quite powerful.
Sorry I can't advise about spooling programs.

As far as the font and orientation situation goes, I assume that 
you have a cartridge (or built-in) font called LINE PRINTER.  That
is only available on cartridge for the LaserJet -- I don't know
about the + model.  Without the font, you won't get the 16 cpi
characters, although you will get landscape mode with 10 cpi
Courier.  That's because the Courier landscape font is built-in.
Anyway, assuming you have the right pieces/parts, two successive
commands should put you into the right mode:
should do it.  Please note the exact characters...I kept sending
things other than alpha-lowercase-ell, numeric-one, alpha-uppercase-
oh in the first command when our LaserJet was new.  However, since
that string sets the landscape mode, you must be doing that right.

I have a little C program that switches modes and the sharers of
the printer have setup menus on a variety of other systems (our
LaserJet can be connected to an IBM PC, three VAXen, a PR1ME, and
a Burroughs via telecomm) and all seem to work ok.  Hope yours
does too.

P.S.  Does anyone know what a Dataproducts 2660/65 might be?  We
are a Navy lab acquiring a laser printer and our procurement office
tells us that's what we're getting.  We thought the machine had
to be one or the other (model, that is).  If anyone has any opinions
to offer, you can route them to me or to the the interest group.

Mark L. Williams