[mod.computers.laser-printers] Bad PostScript Printer drivers

tj@gpu.utcs.utoronto (tj) (03/15/87)

I sent another article that started as a printer review and ended up
with me setting fire to the curtains in my computer room when the
flames got too high!!! Decided to address the issue here.

We decided to use PostScript Printers at U of Toronto, good choice so far.

We use them attached to Unix and via network we send MVS, VM/CMS and Unix
code to the devices. (We have a Linotype Model 100 1250 dpi typesetter,
a TI 2115 15 ppm Laser Printer and an Apple LAserWriter)

We also share the devices with micros, both IBM/PC's and Mac's.

It is in the area of PC's that I have tho most complaints about drivers
but none of the areas are free from blame.

Final Word II: Gold Star... works well, handles Xon/Xoff. Reliable. Even
                handles the error messages that come back from device.

Microsoft Word 3.0: Silver Star... works well, you MUST issue the mode
                command to make sure the port is the right baud etc BEFORE
                you go into MicroSoft Word. Another "feature" is that it sends
                down an initialization file ONCE to the device. If you turn off
                the printer in mid job, or switch to the Linotype then the
                device isn't re-initialized and the job vanishes. The way to
                get it to re initialize is to go out of Word and back in OR
                switch to a different device then switch back to APPLASER.
                DOES NOT handle error messages. %%[Paper tray empty]%% causes
                the job to flush from there on. No support for the IBM extended
                character set. Access to symbol set but whats on teh screen is
                not near whats on the paper!

WordPerfect 4.2: No Star yet. Word Perfect has done the poorest job of any
                company I have seen. We got 4.2 from the computer shop and
                tried it. Their test page didn't work anywhere near correctly.
                Newer version works they said. (Yes virginia there are different
                versions of 4.2 from the devices supported point of view)
                6 wks later our 4.2 network version arrives. Same story.
                I have heard on the net from someone who has used it from
                4.2 and had success. There is a naming change between the
                initialization files on the working 4.2 and the failing 4.2
                so it is easy to tell whether you have the bad or the good
                4.2 (damn I can't remember which was which, will post)
                OTHER PROBLEMS.....
                WordPerfect DOES NOT handle the Xon/Xoff. They give you
                a file to send to your LaserWriter that sets it to DTR
                handshaking mode and a file that sets it back to factory
                settings. Two problems. 1) the printer may not have been
                at factory settings (we used even parity not none) and 2)
                Early Laserwriters DID NOT support DTR handshaking therefore
                you are out of luck if you have an old one. The product
                sucks so far... lets hope they are listening. (Note to
                wordperfect: you call me when its done, we are busy writing
                a Microsoft Word course to teach at U of Toronto since
                WordPerfect doesn't deliver what they say... anybody want
                teaching notes for WordPerfect real cheap!)

P.C. Write: Silver Star. They came real close. One command messes up a bit.
                Some conflict in the fonts and the Landscape selection. Not
                generally used, may be fixed by now. Supports (I think)
                Xon/Xoff (another person tested PC Write, not me) and has
                pretty good support for accented chars etc. For an inexpensive
                package they deserve a gold star. Unlike WordPerfect you get
                at LEAST what you pay for.

Nota Bene 2: (II?) Silver star. The first driver they sent had some problems
                and at first the second one did too, then suddenly stasrted
                to work. So far so good. Does not have Xon/Xoff built in  so
                they supply a TSR Xon/Xoff handler. Accent char support is just
                OK as I understand. Sort of relative, since Nota Bene is
                real popular with people that use foreign langs, it might be
                considered poor accent support, but by others standards I guess
                it is OK.

Macintosh Stuff: A fiasco is happening here. A single user with but one
                software package may never experience problems. Network users
                using different versions of the finder and system and
                the initialization file (LaserPrep) will fight. Each machine
                sends "their" initialization stuff and there ARE
                incompatibilities. This is a GIANT can of worms and only a
                couple have come out so far. The worst is yet to come.

Unix stuff: There are problems here too. Let me relate...  Accounting is done
                here at U of Toronto. (imagine wanting to bill people!!!)
                There is some software that comes with the Adobe transcript
                package. In general it is good, but not perfect. you can no
                longer count lines of data and divide by 55 to determine
                pages to charge for. We opted for page AND time charges since
                antisocial users were sending escher (sp) drawings taking
                15 mins per page and we thought they should pay! We charge
                CPU time on teh printer! 68000 is worth $.20 per minute.
                This applies to LaserWriter, Omnilaser, and Linotype.
                We had to modify the driver to ask the printer for usertime
                as well as page count. (oh yes, the driver asks the pagecount
                at the start and end of the job and determines pages from that
                instead os estimating!) (more on this) There were problems
                with the usertime thing... the PostScript usertime is useful
                but (Adobe LISTEN) has a bug (I think it is) in that when the
                printer stops because the paper tray is empty or missing or the
                Linotype roll of film ends etc, usertime keeps incrementing.
                Manual says usertime is the amount of time spent interpretting
                users PostScript code, not waiting fro the operator to fill
                paper tray! Anyway we had to send code to the printer that
                replaced showpage and copypage so that it looks at usertime
                that elapses BETWEEN showpages/copypages and adds a finite
                amount of time for each showpage/copypage so even if it
                hangs there is no increase. (it works). Pagecount.....
                good for most purposes except that the Linotype has varying
                size pages. Our header page is .5 inches long and users send
                usually from 8.5 inch to 17 inch pages but 51 inch or more is
                possible. We have to charge for inches. no inchcount PostScript
                operator. We send down code to the printer that replaces
                showpage/copypage and records the pageparams page width in
                inches and keeps track of them. We also replace the pagecount
                 operator to tell us how many 8.5 inch pages a user has printed
                (.5 inch header plus one 8.5 inch page would normally return
                pagecount of 2 but with ours we get 1.050!) This works.
                Linotype..... I want the designers shot and killed. The device
                has no means of reporting back to the PostScript Raster Image
                Processor (rasterizer... RIP) that the paper casette is full
                so it will cheerfullt put a 150 ft roll of paper into a casette
                designed for 12 feet. Also doesn't report that the paper casette
                is missing. In either case output ends up on the floor! Really
                bad for photographic paper before processing unless you live in
                total darkness!! Send the Linotype code (modeled after some
                contributed by Adobe thank you) that counts pages (soon to
                 be changed to inches as per previous probs) and stops after
                12 pages and via a dumb terminal hooked to the alternate
                serial port and via an undocumented postscript function
                in serverdict or statusdict called altout sends a message to
                this port telling op to process output. Now all these problems
                made changes to the transcript software necessary. Pagecounts
                were now float valuse, we had an extra paramater, usertime etc.
                It is doable, we still have a few bugs, but it works pretty
                well. Certainly wasn't drop in place stuff.

Feel free to call for more info
Terry Jones
(software developers feel free to call and apologize and send working stuff!)
(Especially WordPerfect, in the dog house... almost given up on you!!!)