[mod.computers.apollo] passwd.map is making my hair fall out!

paul%paul.umich.EDU@MADVAX.UMICH.EDU (Paul Killey) (02/12/86)

how are people fairing with /etc/crpasswd?  for people
who are having no/some/many problems, (a) how big is your /etc/passwd
file, (b) how often do you use edacct, change registries in
some fashion, etc., and (c) how often do you run crpasswd relative
to those registry changes?  Once a day no matter what, every time
you edacct, or what?  we have about 2700 users here, and passwd.map
is about 78K, and it doesn't make much difference how often
cprasswd gets run.

we have achieved a state here that is pretty weird.  /etc/crpasswd
*never* terminates on its own.  on a continuous scale, some things
stop working as things get more and more out of hand.  shell scripts
hang at "UNIX_UID_$UID_TO_UNIX_ID line 180", commands started
from vi (like !Gfmt) do the same.  'cp /bin/start_csh' won't.
this shell script:


does not work.  But, invoking /bin/sh does.  Except when 
vi starts /bin/sh.

of course, we've deleted our password file a couple times,
things like that, so this place hasn't exactly been crpasswd-friendly.

how many people have this problem?  do you consider it to be
locally induced, or do you curse apollo when you see
"UNIX_UID_$UID_TO_UNIX_ID line 180" in the surrealistic nightmares
this brings on?  for those that don't have this problem, it's best
described as imagining you were part of that Dali painting with
clocks draped over the landscape, only with registries and acls.
