[mod.computers.apollo] DSP9000 Compute Server

K538911@CZHRZU1A.BITNET (12/02/86)

Date: 2 December 1986, 19:17:23 GMT
From: Patrik Eschle    K538911  at CZHRZU1A
      Winterthurerstr.529, CH-8051 Zuerich

      Physikinstitut der Universitaet Zuerich
      Tel. 01/257 40 26 oder 01/257 45 85
To:   apollo mailing list                            APOLLO   at YALE
Subject: DSP9000 Compute Server

Are there any experiences with an APOLLO (actually ALLIANT) DSP9000
Compute Server (integrated in a ring or as a standalone host or both)?

We would like to buy one for our institute as a number-cruncher
for the APOLLOs *AND* as a host for directly connected terminals.

The DEC-Lobby fights the project with the argument, that there
are no experiences with DSP9000 in a multi-user environment.

                             Patrik (K538911 at CZHRZU1A)