[mod.computers.apollo] New Book

slade%yale-ring@YALE.ARPA (12/15/86)

"The T Programming Language: A Dialect of LISP"
Stephen Slade.
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987, 448pp, $19.95.
Telephone orders via (201) 767-5049.

From the back cover:

    The T programming language is a version of the SCHEME dialect of LISP.
    The T language was designed and implemented at the Yale Computer Science
    Department.  T offers a combination of procedural and object-oriented
    programming styles.
    The T language has been used in a range of college courses including
    artificial intelligence, data structures, computer systems, and 
    compiler design.
    The T language is available on a variety of machines [including the
    Apollo] and Appendix A explains how to get a copy of T.  For readers
    who have another version of LISP, Appendix A discusses the adaptation
    of other dialects of LISP to the style of programming afforded by
    T.  Many examples, exercises, and sample programs demonstrate
    fundamental programming concepts in familiar domains.
