[mod.computers.vax] cpu time or random number

YD14@BR1.THDNET (11/04/85)

What's the difference between vax/vms cpu time values

and random number ?

I tested the following program five times on our 780.

I got the values 1.71, 1.47, 1.84, 1.43, and 1.59 seconds as

cpu time usage.

        .title          TEST


TIME:   .ASCID          /0 0:0:0.01/

SEC1:   .BLKB           8

        .entry          mac,M<R2,R3>

        pushal          timer

        calls           #1,gLIB$INIT_TIMER



        movl            #1000,r3

20$:    movl            #8000,r2

10$:    decl            R2

        bneq            10$


        decl            R3

        bneq            20$


        pushal          timer

        calls           #1,gLIB$SHOW_TIMER

        movl            #1,R0


        .end            mac

If I delete the system service calls $SCHDWK_S, $HIBER_S,

and $CANWAK_S from the programm the VAX has to execute less

instructions. But the results are strange now I've got

8.21, 8.18, 8.16, 8.21 and 8.12 seconds cpu time usage.

What's that, 8 seconds instead of 2 ?

So I think the cpu time is a random number.

Note: The constant of the instruction at label 20$ depends on the

      cpu type and probably on some SYSGEN parameter. For a 750

      you should use a value less than 8000 f.e. 4000.

        20$:    movl            #8000,r2

Reinhard Goeth

Technical University of Darmstadt (Fed. Rep. of Germany)

Networkaddress: #D14@DDATHD21.BITNET

