[mod.computers.vax] Crashing VAX/VMS V4.1 with simple FORTRAN program

#d22@DDATHD21.BITNET (Ralf Bayer) (11/12/85)

Hi, NetLandians,
  try the following FORTRAN program:

C ---------------- Start of Program ----------------------
2000    FORMAT(' Input Character : ',$)
        READ(5,1500,END=5000,ERR=5000) ASK
1500    FORMAT(A1)
        STOP 'Program ended without Error'
5000    STOP 'Program ended with Error'
C ----------------- End of Program -----------------------

We have the following system environment:
 Processor:        VAX-11/780
 Operating System: VAX VMS V4.1
 Compiler:         VAX FORTRAN V4.3

I compiled the above program, linked it, ran it, and I performed the
following input:

Input Character : ddddd
                    |--------position Cursor with arrow keys to this
                             spot, then press Control_U.
                             --> The following new line appears:
|---- Cursor is here.
      now position Cursor with arrow keys to the right of the string,
      then press Control_U again.

!!!  But slowly, first read what happened at our site:         !!!
!!!                                                            !!!
!!!  The system crashed with an ACCVIO on the Kernel Stack.    !!!
!!!  So, before you try it yourself, ask your System Manager.  !!!

If you should come up with any suggestions, comments or anything
like that, please respond to me directly, because I'm not on the
INFO-VAX mailing list.

regards  -  Ralf Bayer
** Computing Center at the Technical University of Darmstadt  **
** Federal Republic of Germany  ( West Germany )              **
#d22%ddathd21.bitnet@wiscvm.wisc.EDU  (from ARPAnet)
#d22@ddathd21                         (from BITNET / EARN)
(Beware of the number sign - it's part of my User-ID)