[mod.computers.vax] Cable from a VAXStation to a VAX...

Ccims.Intner@CUTC20 (Jonathan S. Intner) (11/22/85)

I am trying to run a cable through CSA0: on a VAXStation to a VAX
(11/750) using one of the terminal ports on the DMF-32 on the VAX.

We are going to run Kermit over the terminal line (if I can ever get
the hardware figured out).

No where in the manuals that came with the VAXStation do I see what
the pins are going in to CSA0:...I understand that it is the console,
but have heard that it can be used for this.

  7     D                                               C       V
  5     M       p                               p       S       A
  0     F       i                               i       A       X
        |       n ============================= n       0       S
        3       s                               s       :       t
        2       ?                               ?               a

I am not the resident cable creator, and don't know much in general
about creating cables, but if I tell the person that I need pins foo
on the VAX end and pins bar on the VAXStation end, then I can get a
cable made.

I think what is currently running between a terminal in the same room
as the VAXStation and the VAX is a null modem cable, but I understand
that this is not correct to go between the VAX and the VAXStation.

Thanks in advance...

Any replies or suggestions gratefully appreciated...

Jonathan Intner
Systems Programmer, CCIMS.

ARPAnet: G.Intner@Columbia-20 (or CS.COLUMBIA.EDU)
CCnet:   CCIMS.Intner@CUTC20


manager@UMDHEP.BITNET (11/22/85)


As far as I remember from when I connected between VS I and VAX11/780,
I used a null modem at the VAX end, with a regular cable running from
that to the uVAX. I used KERMIT with great success. The only problem
I encountered was that 9600 was too fast, so I had to stay down at
4800 baud. If you continue to have problems, let me know and I'lll
puzzle out the precise configuration needed.

Todd Aven