Date: Fri, 3-JAN-1986 07:50 EST To: Info-VAX@SRI-KL.Arpa Message-ID: <[OAK.SAINET.MFENET].8AAA7CC0.008E8777.GKN> US-Mail: Science Applications; P.O. Box 2501; Oak Ridge, TN 37831 Telephone: (615) 482-9031 X-VMS-Mail-To: ARPA%"Info-VAX@SRI-KL.Arpa" From: VENARD%EDUCOM.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU Subj: "Network partner exited" message Date: 2 JAN 86 09:23-EST From time to time, users sending network messages from within the VMS Mail Utility are confronted with the following message: %MAIL-E-LOGLINK, error creating network link to node 0 -System-F-Linkexit, network partner exited After re-trying the same message 2 or 3 times the error goes away and the message is successfully sent, but this is annoying. Generally when this error occurs when using just plain DECnet to deliver a message, it's an indication that the remote server process did not respond within a timeout period. There are a couple of VAXen on our own internal network with tremendous loads on them during the day, and the "network partner exited" error is a frequent occurance. The solution for this problem (again in the case of DECnet) is to increase the Outgoing Timer and the Incoming Timer with NCP. I do not know for sure, but your RSCS server process may not be responding quickly enough. Is your system load high enough where this might be a problem? gkn ------------------------------ Arpa: GKN%OAK.SAInet@LLL-MFE USPS: Gerard K. Newman Science Applications P.O. Box 2501 Oak Ridge, TN 37831 AT&T: (615) 482-9031