[mod.computers.vax] VAXSTATION PROBLEMS


There does seem to be some problems with the DECnet on Vaxstation II's.
My first attempt was trying to run an asynchronous line between the Vaxstation
and a VAX-11/750, I was using the serial port that the Vaxstation is supplied
with and a regular DMF-32 port on the 750.  I ran into all sorts of problems
before I got the thing to work.

The most serious problem was that the DECnet seemed to go down shortly after
starting.  I would start the network on the Vaxstation and go back to my
office to work on the system.  About fifteen minutes later the Vaxstation
would stop responding.  I walked to the Vaxstation (which happened to be
on another floor) and the network was back again.  Needless to say, after
doing this three or four times I was getting very annoyed, I can only take
so much excersise.  I finally narrowed the problem down to something that
seems to be a bug in the workstation software, it turns out that the network
went down as soon as the screen saver came into effect.  Of-course, when
I started typing to see what was going on, the screen, and hence DECnet,
came to life.  Digital's answer to this problem was 'OOPS'.  I'd be interested
if any of you have had the same problem.  My solution was to disable the
screen saver and resort to the brightness knob which has be placed conveniently
close to the front of the screen.

  Darren Griffiths,
  Physics Dept,
  University of California,
  Santa Barbara, CA  93106

  UUCP   - ucbvax!ucsbcsl!darren
  ARPA   - dag%sbphy@LBL.ARPA
  BITNET - dag@sbitp