[mod.computers.vax] VERB, the program

js@UW-JUNE.ARPA (Joe Meadows) (03/19/86)

	Well, I guess a few more people are interested in VERB (aka CLEX
 for VMS 4.0) this time around, so, I'm posting the sources to it.
 Just save this as MAKEVERB.COM and execute it (from within an empty
 directory to make things simple..)
	I wrote this last summer, and it contains many kludges to be
 sure, but, it works! I haven't had a problem with it, and I've rebuilt
 the entire command tables with it as a check. You can look at VERB.CLD
 to see the possible options, and VERB accepts wildcarded verb names,
 i.e. VERB/LIST B* would list all verbs starting with B. VERB B* would
 display the command definitions for all verbs starting with B.

Cut here....
$ write sys$output "This command procedure will create the necessary files"
$ write sys$output "to create VERB, it will also compile, link and"
$ write sys$output "define the VERB command."
$ copy:=copy/log
$copy sys$input COMPILE.COM
$ ! This command procedure reads a data file, with lines like the following:
$ !  Source name, object name, compile command, link options, required files
$ !  where source name is the name of the file to be acted upon
$ !  Object name is the name of the file to compare dates against
$ !  compile command is the actual command to use to produce the object file
$ !  link options are options to be added to the link command
$ !  required files is a list of files, seperated by "/" whose dates
$ !  are checked also to see if recompilation is necessary
$ !
$ ! Parameters to this command procedure are concatenated together, and
$ ! then seperated again via commas
$ !  1 = command file to read from
$ !  2 = compile options
$ !  3 = global link options
$ ! So that, you could say @COMPILE "file,/debug,/exe=[-.exe]" and the "/debug"
$ ! option would affect all compiles, and the /exe=[-.exe] would of course be
$ ! added to the link command.
$ ! Currently theres no method for determining wether an option is applicable
$ ! to all files, i.e. /DEBUG doesn't work to well if one of the "compilers"
$ ! happens to be the librarian (i.e. in VERB)
$ ! 
$ err=0
$ if p1.nes."" then goto got_file
$ if err then write sys$output "compile file not found"
$ tmp=f$search("*.COMPILE")
$ if tmp.nes."" then tmp=f$parse(tmp,,,"NAME")
$ inquire p1 "control file <''tmp'> "
$ if p1.eqs."" then p1=tmp
$ p1=p1+p2+p3+p4+p5+p6+p7+p8
$ p1=f$edit(p1,"UNCOMMENT")
$ file=f$search(f$parse(f$element(0,",",p1),".COMPILE"))
$ if file.nes."" then goto cntnue
$ err=1
$ goto get_p1
$ comp_opt=f$element(1,",",p1)
$ if comp_opt.eqs."," then comp_opt=""
$ link_opts=f$element(2,",",p1)
$ if link_opts.eqs."," then link_opts=""
$ on control_y then goto end
$ on severe then goto end
$ open/read files 'file'
$ file_list=""
$ read/end=link_section files line
$ ! if last character on line is "-" then concatenate with next line
$ line=f$edit(line,"TRIM")
$ if (f$extract(f$length(line)-1,1,line) .nes. "-") then goto 20$
$ read/end=20$ files nextline
$ line=f$edit(f$extract(0,f$len(line)-1,line),"UNCOMMENT")+nextline
$ goto 10$
$ line=f$edit(line,"UNCOMMENT")
$ if line.eqs."" then goto compile_loop
$ src_file=f$element(0,",",line)
$ obj_file=f$element(1,",",line)
$ if obj_file.eqs."," then obj_file=""
$ obj_file=f$parse(obj_file,src_file)
$ compile=f$element(2,",",line)
$ if compile.eqs."," then compile=""
$ link_opt=f$element(3,",",line)
$ if link_opt.eqs."," then link_opt=""
$ includes=f$element(4,",",line)
$ if includes.eqs."," then includes=""
$ include=0
$ if compile.eqs."" then goto do_not_compile_it
$ if "''f$search(obj_file,1)'".eqs."" then goto compile_it
$ src_rdt=f$cvtime(f$file_attributes(src_file,"RDT"))
$ obj_rdt=f$cvtime(f$file_attributes(obj_file,"RDT"))
$ if obj_rdt.les.src_rdt then goto compile_it
$ if includes.eqs."" then goto do_not_compile_it
$ inc_file=f$element(include,"/",includes)
$ if inc_file.eqs."/" then goto do_not_compile_it
$ inc_rdt=f$cvtime(f$file_attributes(inc_file,"RDT"))
$ if inc_rdt.gts.obj_rdt then goto compile_it
$ include=include+1
$ goto includes_loop
$ write sys$output "''compile' ''comp_opt' ''src_file'"
$ 'compile 'comp_opt' 'src_file
$ if link_opt.eqs."%NOLINK" then goto compile_loop
$ if "''link_file'".nes."" then goto add_name
$ link_file="LINK"+f$getjpi("","PID")+".COM;"
$ on control_y then goto err_close_link
$ on severe then goto err_close_link
$ open/write linkcom 'link_file
$ write linkcom "$ Link ''link_opts' -"
$ write linkcom "	 ''obj_file' ''link_opt' -"
$ goto compile_loop
$ write linkcom "	,''obj_file' ''link_opt' -"
$ goto compile_loop
$ write linkcom ""
$ close linkcom
$ type 'link_file
$ @'link_file
$ delete 'link_file
$ close files
$ exit
$ close files
$ close linkcom
$copy sys$input BLURB.TXT

	VERB is a program to extract verb definitions from either
your process space or a command table file (such as SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE).
These verb definitions can then be changed and recompiled via the command
definition utility, SET COMMAND. This program is similar to the 3.n program
CLEX, except that it works with version 4.n command tables. This program
is a must if you need to change verb definitions, or if you just hate the
DEC defaults (getting tired of HELP/PAGE, or LINK creating maps when
executed from a batch job?).

	VERB allows you to do wildcard searches for verbs (commands)
and lists of verbs, such as VERB A*,B*,%%% (which would return all the verb
definitions for commands that start with A, B, and all three letter commands).

	You can specify a table to search for the verb, or even to search your 
process space. The command defaults to searching your process space, but if you
enter VERB/TABLE it will default to using the system command table
SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES, you can of course specify a table other than that, as in
default file name in an RMS $OPEN call.

	VERB allows you to put the output in a file, as in
VERB/OUTPUT=filename, VERB also can list available verbs (commands), w/o
the verb definition, as in VERB/LIST/ALL, and note the /ALL qualifier.

	Well, it hasn't been tested with MCR tables.I wouldn't be surprised if
it didn't like them.
	When extracting several verbs at a time the verbs may reference common
TYPE defnitions, in these cases only one is output, this only becomes a problem
if you cut up the output file into several smaller files.
	When extracting several verbs (such as BASIC,MACRO,FORTRAN) they
may each reference a TYPE defnition that is different for each verb, but has
the same name. Since the TYPE definitions are actually different each one will
be included in the file, but the CDU will not appreciate having similarly
named TYPE definitions. In such cases simply extact the verbs into seperate
$copy sys$input BUFFER.MAR
	.title	buffer routines

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.psect	_clex_local	rd,wrt,noexe

	.long	_clex_buffer
	.blkb	512

	.psect	_clex_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	put_output,0

	tstl	_clex_pos	; is there really anything to output?
	beql	5$		; don't bother to output empty line

	pushaq	_clex_desc
	calls	#1,@clex_output	; output the buffer
	blbc	r0,10$
	clrl	_clex_pos	; clear the buffer, if successfully output
5$:	movl	#1,r0
10$:	ret

	.entry	add_to_buffer,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	; 4(ap) = pointer to ascic
	movl	4(ap),r4
	movzbl	(r4),r5
	incl	r4
	brb	_add_buffer

	.entry	add_to_buffer_trunc,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	; 4(ap) = pointer to ascic
	; 8(ap) = length to truncate to
	movl	4(ap),r4
	movzbl	(r4),r5
	incl	r4
	cmpl	r5,8(ap)
	blss	_add_buffer
	movl	8(ap),r5

	subl3	_clex_pos,clex_width,r2
	cmpl	r5,r2
	bleq	20$
	calls	#0,put_output	; output string if it whats to be added wont fit
	blbc	r0,30$
	brb	_add_buffer
20$:	movl	_clex_pos,r3
	addl	r5,_clex_pos
	movc3	r5,(r4),_clex_buffer(r3)
	movl	#1,r0
30$:	ret

$copy sys$input CLEXLIB.MAR
	.title	macro routines

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.macro	add_ascic,thing
	pushl	thing
	calls	#1,g^add_to_buffer
	.endm	add_ascic
	.macro	add_ascic_trunc,thing,leng,?l1,?l2
	pushl	leng
	pushl	thing
	calls	#2,g^add_to_buffer_trunc
	.endm	add_ascic_trunc
	.macro	add_string,thing
	push_string	<thing>
	calls	#1,g^add_to_buffer
	.endm	add_string

	.macro	case,src,displist,type=w,limit=#0,nmode=s^#,?base,?max
	case'type	src,limit,nmode'<<max-base>/2-1>
	.irp	ep,<displist>
	.word	ep-base
	.endm	case

	.macro	push_string	text,?l1,?l2
	.psect	_clex$strings,exe,nowrt,pic
l1:	.ascic	text
	pushal	l1
	.endm	push_string

	.macro	string	text,?l1,?l2
	.psect	_clex$strings,exe,nowrt,pic
l1:	.ascic	text
	.long	l1
	.endm	string
$copy sys$input CLITABLE.TXT
!	CLI Table Blocks
!	Each block begins with a standard header, as follows
!		+------------------------------+
!		| subtype | type |    length   |
!		+------------------------------+
!		| TRO Count      |    Flags    |
!		+------------------------------+
!	all references to other blocks are made via Table relative offsets (TRO)
!	the TRO count specifies how many such references there are, and the
!	reference longwords always follow the header immediately. The rest of
!	each block contains other information necessary for the definition
!	of the item.Following the fixed portion of the block is a variable
!	portion, which contains any variable length strings. Each of these
!	strings is referenced from the fixed portion of the block by a
!	word Block relative offset (BRO)
!	These are the valid block types starting at 1.
!		vector		Vector (root) block
!		command		Command block
!		type		Type block
!		entity		Entity block
!		expression	Expression block
!		cdu_visited	for CDU internal use
!vector block
!	the primary vector block appears at the beginning of a CLI table,
!	and contains references to all other blocks and block lists.
! standard header, valid subtypes starting at 1
!	Verb
!	command
! flags - broken into two bytes, low byte contains structure level
!Two TRO's,
! verbtbl	TRO of verb name table
! comdptr	TRO of command block pointer table
!the  verb name table is composed of the standard header, followed by one
! longword for each verb or synonym, the longword contains the first
! four characters of the verb name padded with nulls as necessary
!the command block pointer table is composed of the standard header,
! followed by one longword for each entry in the verb table. This
! longword contains the TRO of the corresponding command block.
!command block
! a command block is used to define a verb or a syntax change brought about
! by a parameter or qualifier. There is one command block for each verb
! (but not its synonyms), and one for each syntax change within a verb
! standard header, valid subtypes starting at 1
!	verb
!	syntax
! flags --bits, starting at zero I guess
!	abbrev
!	nostat
!	foreign
!	immed
!	mcrparse
!	parms
!	quals
!	disallows
!TRO's --
! parms		TRO of first parameter, Entity block
!   max parms=8
! quals		TRO of first qualifier
! disallows	TRO of top-level disallow boolean Expression block
!HANDLER (byte) How does CLI handle verb (starting at 0)
! none	It doesn't
! cli	Calls a cli routine
! user	calls a user routine
! image	imvokes an image
! same	same handling as verb
!PARMCNT Two nibbles (1 byte)
! MINPARM	first four bits
! MAXPARM	second four bits
!VERBTYP (byte) Verb type code for use with old CLI interface
!PAD (byte)
!NAME (word) BRO of verb or syntax name
!IMAGE (word) BRO of routine or image reference
!OUTPUTS (word) BRO of outputs list
!PREFIX (word) BRO of prefix string
!  -- end of fixed portion --
! variable section --
! Max sizes --
! max_name = 1+31
! max_image= 64
! max_outputs=1+7
! max_prefix=1+31
!--folowing the fixed portion, the verb names are stored as a sequence
! of ascic strings within an overall ascic string, or the syntax name is
! stored as a single ascic string.
! the routine or image reference is stored as follows
!	CLI routine	Routine name as ascic string
!	user routine	longword routine address, then ascic string
!	image		ascic string
! outputs list consists of a counted sequence of bytes. each byte contains
! either the negation of the parameter number or the qualifier number
! the prefix string is stored as an ascic string
!TYPE block
!	a type block is used as a header of a chain of entity blocks
!	that describe TYPE keywords there is one TYPE block for each
!	user specified type definition
! standard header, valid subtypes starting at 1
!	type
!no  flags
!TRO ..
! keywrds	TRO of first keyword entity block
!NAME (word)	BRO of type name
!Prefix (word)	BRO of prefix string
!-- end of fixed --
!-- following the fixed portion the type name is stored as ascic string,
! so is the prefix string
!Entity block
!	an entity block is used to define each parameter, qualifier, and data
!	type keyword. These blocks are liked off the command block for the
!	verb, in the case of parameters and qualifiers, or off of the type
!	block, in the case of type keywords.
! standard header, valid subtypes starting at 1
!	parameter
!	qualifier
!	keyword
!flags, bits starting at 0 ..
!	val		can take a value
!	neg		can be replaced with no
!	deftrue		present by default
!	batdef		present by default if batch
!	valreq		a value is required
!	list		can be a list of values
!	concat		can be a concatenated list
!	impcat		implicit concatenated list
!	verb		global placement
!	parm		local placement (both means positional)
!	mcroptdelim	MCR SET UIC kluge
!	mcrignore	MCR ignores this entity
! NEXT		TRO of next entity block
! SYNTAX	TRO of syntax change command block
! USER_TYPE	TRO of user defined type
!NUMBER (byte) Entity number. Cli should only use for parameters
!VALTYP (byte) Value type, starting at zero,
!	user_defined	defined by user
!	infile		input file spec
!	outfile		output file spec
!	number		decimal integer
!	privilege	priv keyword
!	datetime	date/time
!	protection	protection spec
!	process		process name
!	inlog		input logical name
!	outlog		output logical name
!	insym		input symbol name
!	outsym		output symbol name
!	node		DECnet node spec
!	device		node/device spec
!	dir		node/dev/dir spec
!	uic		UIC spec
!	restofline	rest of command line
!	parenvalue	parenthesized value
!	file		any file spec
!	expression	general DCL expression
!	test1		Three hooks for testing
!	test2
!	test3
!	acl		ACL spec
!NAME (word)	BRO of entity name
!LABEL (word)	BRO of label used to retrieve entity
!PROMPT (word)	BRO of parameter prompt
!DEFVAL (word)	BRO of parameter default value(s)
! --max sizes --
! Name=1+31
! label=1+31
! prompt=1+31
! defval=1+95
!-- end of fixed portion--
!-- following the fixed portion are the Name, Label, Prompt and default values,
! stored as ascic strings. The default values are stored as a sequence of ascic
! strings, within the overall ascic string.
!expression block
!	an expression block is used to represent, within a boolean expression,
!	one operator and its operands. The operands are themselves expression
!	blocks, either subexpressions or paths. Paths represent the hierarchical
!	path to an entity whose presence is to be determined.
! standard header, valid subtypes starting at 1
!	path	entity path
!	not	boolean NOT
!	any2	"	ANY2
!	and	"	AND
!	or	"	OR
!	xor	"	XOR
!	neg	"	NEG
! no flags defined
!TR0 Count
! operand_list character length 0 tag l
!(max 8 entities)
$copy sys$input COMMAND.MAR
	.title print command block

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.library 'clexlib'

	.entry	clex_print_command,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7>
	; 4(ap) = address of command block

	movl	4(ap),r6

5$:	bitw	#cmd_m_parms,cmd_w_flags(r6)
	beql	10$
	tstl	cmd_l_parms(r6)
	beql	10$
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_parms(r6),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_evaluate_entity

10$:	bitw	#cmd_m_quals,cmd_w_flags(r6)
	beql	20$
	tstl	cmd_l_quals(r6)
	beql	20$
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_quals(r6),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_evaluate_entity

20$:	movzwl	cmd_w_name(r6),r7
	addl	r6,r7
	case	cmd_b_subtype(r6),type=b,limit=#1,<-

	movl	#0,r0	; invalid

_verb:	add_string	<'define verb '>	
	movzbl	(r7),r2	; save size of entire thing
	movzbl	1(r7),r3	; save size of verb name
_verb1:	incl	r7	; point to first ascic
	add_ascic_trunc	r7,r3
	decl	r2	; subtract off extra byte for count byte

	movzbl	(r7),r4	; assume verb bigger than synonym
	cmpb	(r7),r3	; is synonym bigger than verb?
	bleq	_verb2
	movzbl	r3,r4	; if so it got truncated by CDU
	add_string	<'   !! warning, synonym truncated'>
_verb2:	calls	#0,g^put_output
	subb	r4,r2	; subtract off printed portion.
	beql	_verb3

	addl	r4,r7
	tstb	1(r7)
	beql	_verb1	; if zero length string , skip to next.
	add_string	<'   synonym '>
	brb	_verb1
_verb3:	brb	_continue

	add_string	<'define syntax '>
	add_ascic	r7

	calls	#0,put_output

	movzwl	cmd_w_image(r6),r7
	addl	r6,r7
	clrl	_clex_handler_flag

	case	cmd_b_handler(r6),type=b,limit=#0,<-
		_print_prefix,-	; no handler
	movl	#0,r0	; invalid handler

	add_string	<'   cliroutine '>
	add_ascic	r7
	bitw	#^x1F,cmd_w_flags(r6)	; any cliflags?
	bneq	_handler_cli1
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brw	_print_prefix
	clrq	r4
	add_string	<' , cliflags ('>
	moval	table_cli_flags,r3
	bbc	r4,cmd_w_flags(r6),_handler_cli4
	tstl	r5
	beql	_handler_cli3
	add_string	<','>
	incl	r5
	add_ascic	(r3)[r4]
	aobleq	#4,r4,_handler_cli2
	add_string	<')'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brw	_print_prefix

	add_string	<'   routine '>
	add_ascic	r7
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brw	_print_prefix

	add_string	<'   image '>
	add_ascic	r7
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brw	_print_prefix

	movl	#1,_clex_handler_flag
	brw	_print_prefix

	movzwl	cmd_w_prefix(r6),r7
	beql	_print_parms
	addl	r6,r7
	add_string	<'   prefix '>
	add_ascic	r7
	calls	#0,g^put_output

	bitw	#cmd_m_parms,cmd_w_flags(r6)
	beql	_print_quals
	tstl	cmd_l_parms(r6)
	bneq	_print_parms_1
	add_string	<'   noparameters'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brb	_print_quals
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_parms(r6),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_print_entity
	bitw	#cmd_m_quals,cmd_w_flags(r6)
	beql	_print_disallows
	tstl	cmd_l_quals(r6)
	bneq	_print_quals_1
	add_string	<'   noqualifiers'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brb	_print_disallows
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_quals(r6),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_print_entity
	bitw	#cmd_m_disallows,cmd_w_flags(r6)
	beql	_print_outputs
	tstl	cmd_l_disallow(r6)
	beql	_print_outputs
	add_string	<'   disallow '>

	pushl	r6
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_disallow(r6),-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brb	_print_outputs

	clrl	r5
	movzwl	cmd_w_outputs(r6),r3	; BRO outputs list
	beql	_end_of_command
	addl	r6,r3			; point to ascic of outputs
	movzbl	(r3),r4	; number of outputs
	beql	_end_of_command	; see if there is indeed any outputs
	incl	r3
	add_string	<'   outputs('>
	brb	_print_continue
	add_string	<','>
	movb	(r3)[r5],r2
	blss	_print_out_parm
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_quals(r6),r7	; r7 is address of first entity
	brb	_get_entity_loop
	mnegb	r2,r2
	addl3	clex_table,cmd_l_parms(r6),r7
	decb	r2
	beql	_print_this_output
	addl3	clex_table,ent_l_next(r7),r7
	brb	_get_entity_loop
	movzwl	ent_w_label(r7),r2
	addl	r7,r2
	add_ascic	r2
	aoblss	r4,r5,_print_out_loop
	add_string	<')'>	
	calls	#0,g^put_output


	.psect	string_table	rd,nowrt,noexe
	string	<'abbreviate'>
	string	<'nostatus'>
	string	<'foreign'>
	string	<'immediate'>
	string	<'mcrparse'>

$copy sys$input DISALLOWS.MAR
	.title print disallows block

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.library 'clexlib'

_clex_l_bracket:	string	'<'
_clex_r_bracket:	string	'>'

	.psect	_clex_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	clex_print_disallows,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7>
	; 4(ap) = address of disallows block

	movl	4(ap),r6

	movzwl	exp_w_tro_count(r6),r3
	moval	exp_l_operand_list(r6),r2

	case	cmd_b_subtype(r6),type=b,limit=#1,<-

	clrl	r4
	tstl	_clex_handler_flag
	beql	_path2

	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)	; this entity
	calls	#1,g^clex_find_entity
	cmpl	r0,8(ap)
	beql	_path2

	movl	r0,r7
	beql	_path2	; hmm... How strange, it couldn't find it..

	movl	r7,r1
	cmpb	#block_k_command,cmd_b_type(r1)
	bneq	10$
	movzwl	cmd_w_name(r1),r7
	cmpb	#cmd_k_verb,cmd_b_subtype(r1)
	bneq	20$
	incl	r7
	brb	20$

10$:	cmpb	#block_k_type,type_b_type(r1)	; let's assume this is true
	bneq	_path2
	movzwl	type_w_name(r1),r7

20$:	addl	r1,r7
	add_ascic	_clex_l_bracket
	add_ascic	r7
	add_ascic	_clex_r_bracket
	brb	_path2

_path1:	add_string	<'.'>
_path2:	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],r5
	movzwl	ent_w_label(r5),r1
	addl	r5,r1
	add_ascic	r1
	aoblss	r3,r4,_path1
	brw	_dis_end

	clrl	r4
	add_string	<'('>
	brb	_and2
_and1:	add_string	<' and '>
_and2:	pushl	8(ap)
	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	aoblss	r3,r4,_and1
	add_string	<')'>
	brw	_dis_end

	clrl	r4
	cmpl	r3,#1
	beql	_or2
	add_string	<'('>
	brb	_or2
_or1:	add_string	<' or '>
_or2:	pushl	8(ap)
	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	aoblss	r3,r4,_or1
	cmpl	r3,#1
	beql	_or3
	add_string	<')'>
_or3:	brw	_dis_end

	clrl	r4
	add_string	<'('>
	brb	_xor2
_xor1:	add_string	<' xor '>
_xor2:	pushl	8(ap)
	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	aoblss	r3,r4,_xor1
	add_string	<')'>
	brw	_dis_end

	clrl	r4
	add_string	<'not'>
_not1:	add_string	<' '>
	pushl	8(ap)
	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	aoblss	r3,r4,_not1
;	add_string	<')'>
	brw	_dis_end

	clrl	r4
	add_string	<'(neg'>
_neg1:	add_string	<' '>
_neg2:	pushl	8(ap)
	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	aoblss	r3,r4,_neg1
	add_string	<')'>
	brw	_dis_end

	clrl	r4
	add_string	<'any2('>
	brb	_any22
_any21:	add_string	<','>
_any22:	pushl	8(ap)
	addl3	clex_table,(r2)[r4],-(sp)
	calls	#2,clex_print_disallows
	aoblss	r3,r4,_any21
	add_string	<')'>
	brw	_dis_end


$copy sys$input ENTITY.MAR
	.title print entity block

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.library 'clexlib'

	.entry	clex_print_entity,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8>
	; 4(ap) = address of entity block

	movl	4(ap),r6

	moval	table_types,r4
	movzbl	ent_b_subtype(r6),r5
	decl	r5
	blss	10$
	cmpl	r5,#3
	blss	20$

10$:	clrl	r0

20$:	add_string	<'   '>
	add_ascic	(r4)[r5]
	add_string	<' '>
	movzwl	ent_w_name(r6),r7
	addl	r6,r7
	add_ascic	r7
	movl	r7,r8

	movl	ent_l_syntax(r6),r7
	beql	_label
	add_string	<' , syntax='>
	addl	clex_table,r7
	movzwl	cmd_w_name(r7),r5
	addl	r7,r5
	add_ascic	r5

	movzwl	ent_w_label(r6),r7
	beql	_prompt
	addl	r6,r7
	movzbl	(r8),r0
	movzbl	(r7),r1
	cmpc5	r0,1(r8),#^a' ',r1,1(r7)	; see if other that default
	beql	_prompt
	add_string	<' , label='>
	add_ascic	r7
	movl	r7,r8	; prompt defaults to label right?
	movzwl	ent_w_prompt(r6),r7
	beql	_ent_neg
	addl	r6,r7
	movzbl	(r8),r0
	movzbl	(r7),r1
	cmpc5	r0,1(r8),#^a' ',r1,1(r7)	; see if other than default
	beql	_ent_neg
	add_string	<' , prompt="'>
	add_ascic	r7
	add_string	<'"'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	movzbl	ent_b_subtype(r6),r5
	cmpl	r5,#2
	beql	_ent_neg1	; default for qualifiers is negatable
	bbc	#ent_v_neg,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_def
	add_string	<'      negatable'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	brb	_ent_def
	bbs	#ent_v_neg,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_def
	add_string	<'      nonnegatable'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	bbc	#ent_v_deftrue,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_bat
	add_string	<'      default'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	bbc	#ent_v_batdef,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_val
	add_string	<'      batch'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output
	bbs	#ent_v_val,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_val1
	brw	_ent_cliflags
	add_string	<'      value'>
	clrl	r7
	bbc	#ent_v_valreq,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_impcat
	add_string	<' (required'>
	incl	r7
	bbc	#ent_v_impcat,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_list
	tstl	r7
	bneq	_ent_impcat1
	add_string	<' ('>
	incl	r7
	brb	_ent_impcat2
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'impcat'>
	bbc	#ent_v_list,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_concat
	tstl	r7
	bneq	_ent_list1
	add_string	<' ('>
	incl	r7
	brb	_ent_list2
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'list'>
	bbs	#ent_v_concat,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_defval
	add_string	<',noconcatenate'>

	bbc	#ent_v_concat,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_defval
	tstl	r7
	bneq	_ent_concat1
	add_string	<' ('>
	incl	r7
	brb	_ent_concat2
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'concatenate'>

	movzwl	ent_w_defval(r6),r5
	beql	_ent_type
	addl	r6,r5
	tstl	r7
	bneq	_ent_defval1
	add_string	<' ('>
	incl	r7
	brb	_ent_defval2
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'default="'>
	clrl	r3
	movzbl	(r5),r2	; save size of entire thing
	incl	r5	; point to first ascic
	decl	r2	; subtract off extra byte for count byte
	movzbl	(r5),r4
	tstl	r3
	beql	_ent_defval4
	add_ascic	comma
	add_ascic	r5
	incl	r3
	subb	r4,r2	; subtract off printed portion.
	beql	_ent_defval5
	addl	r4,r5
	brb	_ent_defval3
	add_string	<'"'>

	tstb	ent_b_valtype(r6)
	bneq	_ent_type1
	movl	ent_l_user_type(r6),r5
	bneq	_ent_type00
	brw	_ent_end_val
	addl	clex_table,r5
	movzwl	type_w_name(r5),r4
	addl	r5,r4
	tstl	r7
	bneq	_ent_type0
	incl	r7
	add_string	<' ('>
	brb	_ent_type01
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'type='>
	add_ascic	r4
	brb	_ent_end_val
	tstl	r7
	bneq	_ent_type2
	incl	r7
	add_string	<' ('>
	brb	_ent_type3
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'type='>
	moval	table_value_types,r1
	movzbl	ent_b_valtype(r6),r2
	decl	r2
	add_ascic	(r1)[r2]

	tstl	r7
	beql	_ent_end_val1
	add_string	<')'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output

	bitw	#ent_m_mcroptdelim!ent_m_mcrignore,ent_w_flags(r6)
	beql	_ent_position
	clrl	r7
	add_string	<'      cliflags ('>
	bbc	#ent_v_mcroptdelim,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_cliflags1
	add_string	<'mcroptdelim'>
	incl	r7
	bbc	#ent_v_mcrignore,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_cliflags3
	tstl	r7
	beql	_ent_cliflags2
	add_ascic	comma
	add_string	<'mcrignore'>
	add_string	<')'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output

	bbc	#ent_v_parm,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_pos2
	add_string	<'      placement='>
	bbc	#ent_v_verb,ent_w_flags(r6),_ent_pos1
	add_string	<'positional'>
	brb	_ent_pos2
	add_string	<'local'>
	calls	#0,g^put_output

	movl	ent_l_next(r6),r0
	beql	10$
	addl3	clex_table,r0,-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_print_entity
10$:	ret

	.psect	string_table	rd,nowrt,noexe
comma:	string	<','>
	string	<'parameter'>
	string	<'qualifier'>
	string	<'keyword'>

	string	<'$infile'>
	string	<'$outfile'>
	string	<'$number'>
	string	<'$privilege'>
	string	<'$datetime'>
	string	<'$protection'>
	string	<'$process'>
	string	<'$inlog'>
	string	<'$outlog'>
	string	<'$insym'>
	string	<'$outsym'>
	string	<'$node'>
	string	<'$device'>
	string	<'$directory'>
	string	<'$uic'>
	string	<'$rest_of_line'>
	string	<'$parenthesized_value'>
	string	<'$deltatime'>
	string	<'$quoted_string'>
	string	<'$file'>
	string	<'$expression'>
	string	<'$$test1'>
	string	<'$$test2'>
	string	<'$$test3'>
	string	<'$acl'>

$copy sys$input EVALENTITY.MAR
	.title evaluate entity, to print out TYPEs and SYNTAX's

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.psect	_clex_local	rd,wrt,noexe
	.blkl	4096
	.blkl	4096

	.psect	_clex_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	clex_evaluate_entity,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>

	movl	4(ap),r2
	moval	_clex_evals,r3

	tstl	ent_l_user_type(r2)
	beql	10$
	addl3	clex_table,ent_l_user_type(r2),r4
	addl3	type_l_keywords(r4),clex_table,r4

	clrl	r1
	tstl	_clex_eval_count
	beql	5$
3$:	cmpl	r4,(r3)[r1]
	beql	10$
	aoblss	_clex_eval_count,r1,3$

5$:	movl	r4,(r3)[r1]
	incl	_clex_eval_count

	pushl	r4
	calls	#1,clex_evaluate_entity

	addl3	clex_table,ent_l_user_type(r2),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_print_type

10$:	tstl	ent_l_syntax(r2)
	beql	20$
	addl3	clex_table,ent_l_syntax(r2),r4

	clrl	r1
	tstl	_clex_eval_count
	beql	15$
13$:	cmpl	r4,(r3)[r1]
	beql	20$
	aoblss	_clex_eval_count,r1,13$

15$:	movl	r4,(r3)[r1]
	incl	_clex_eval_count
	pushl	r4
	calls	#1,clex_print_command

20$:	tstl	ent_l_next(r2)
	beql	30$
	addl3	clex_table,ent_l_next(r2),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_evaluate_entity

30$:	ret
$copy sys$input FIND.MAR
	.title	find verb routine

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.psect	_clex_local	rd,wrt,noexe

verb_buff_desc:	.blkl	2

	.psect	_clex_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	clex_find_verb,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
;	4(ap)=verb descriptor
;	8(ap)=verb number
;	12(ap)=command block address
;		start at verb number and go to last verb
;		looking for baby that matches
	movl	clex_commands,r3

	movl	@8(ap),r4	; verb number
	cmpl	r4,clex_cmd_cnt
	bgeq	40$

10$:	movl	(r3)[r4],r5		; comand_block TRO
	addl	clex_table,r5
	movzwl	cmd_w_name(r5),r0	; name BRO
	addl	r0,r5			; ascic all names
	movzbl	(r5),r2

20$:	incl	r5			; ascic verb name
	movzbl	(r5),verb_buff_desc
	moval	1(r5),verb_buff_desc+4

	pushl	4(ap)
	pushaq	verb_buff_desc
	calls	#2,g^str$match_wild
	blbs	r0,50$

	decl	r2
	subb	(r5),r2
	bleq	30$

	addl	verb_buff_desc,r5
	brb	20$

30$:	aoblss	clex_cmd_cnt,r4,10$

40$:	clrl	@8(ap)
	clrl	r0
	brb	60$

50$:	movl	(r3)[r4],r5	; get command TRO to compare with all previous
	clrl	r1		; ones to see if we've already printed this one
	tstl	r4
	beql	56$
55$:	cmpl	(r3)[r1],r5
	beql	30$		; if this one's been done before continue search
	aoblss	r4,r1,55$	; continue checking

56$:	movl	r4,@8(ap)
	movl	(r3)[r4],@12(ap)
	addl	clex_table,@12(ap)
	movl	@12(ap),_clex_cmd_block
	movl	#1,r0

60$:	ret
$copy sys$input FINDENTITY.MAR
	.title	find_entity

	.library	'clexlib'

	.entry	clex_find_entity,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>
	; 4(ap) = entity block
	; this routine searches down the entity block to see 
	; which command/syntax/keyword it belongs to.

	clrl	r0
	clrl	_clex_ents_count
	pushl	4(ap)
	pushl	_clex_cmd_block
	calls	#2,clex_check_entity

	.entry	clex_check_entity,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5>

	cmpl	4(ap),8(ap)
	bneq	10$
	movl	#1,r0

	; loop through and see if we've done this already
10$:	movl	4(ap),r4
	moval	_clex_ents,r2
	clrl	r1
	tstl	_clex_ents_count
	beql	35$
20$:	cmpl	(r2)[r1],r4
	bneq	30$
30$:	aoblss	_clex_ents_count,r1,20$
35$:	incl	_clex_ents_count
	movl	r4,(r2)[r1]	; remember having done this..

	cmpb	#block_k_entity,ent_b_type(r4)
	bneq	60$
	movl	ent_l_next(r4),r5
	beql	40$
	jsb	_clex_call_check
	beql	40$
	brw	90$

40$:	movl	ent_l_syntax(r4),r5
	beql	50$
	jsb	_clex_call_check
	beql	50$
	brw	90$

50$:	cmpb	#ent_k_user_defined,ent_b_valtype(r4)
	bneq	60$
	movl	ent_l_user_type(r4),r5
	jsb	_clex_call_check
	beql	60$
	cmpl	r0,#1
	bneq	90$
	movl	r5,r0
	brw	90$

60$:	cmpb	#block_k_type,type_b_type(r4)
	bneq	70$
	movl	type_l_keywords(r4),r5
	jsb	_clex_call_check
	beql	70$
	cmpl	r0,#1
	bneq	90$
	movl	r4,r0
	brw	90$

70$:	cmpb	#block_k_command,cmd_b_type(r4)
	bneq	90$
	bitw	#cmd_m_parms,cmd_w_flags(r4)
	beql	80$
	movl	cmd_l_parms(r4),r5
	beql	80$
	jsb	_clex_call_check
	beql	80$
	cmpl	r0,#1
	bneq	90$
	movl	r4,r0
	brw	90$

80$:	bitw	#cmd_m_quals,cmd_w_flags(r4)
	beql	90$
	movl	cmd_l_quals(r4),r5
	beql	90$
	jsb	_clex_call_check
	beql	90$	
	cmpl	r0,#1
	bneq	90$
	movl	r4,r0
	brw	90$

90$:	ret

	addl	clex_table,r5
	pushl	8(ap)
	pushl	r5
	calls	#2,clex_check_entity
	tstl	r0

$copy sys$input GET_TERM.MAR
	.title	get terminal characteristics

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

; calling sequence
;	ret-stat = get_terminal_characteristics( terminal, characteristics )
; ret-stat is a longword return status from any of the following
; 	system services : ASSIGN,DASSGN,GETDVI,QIOW
; terminal is the address of a descriptor containing the name of the
;	device to get information on
; characteristics is the address of the quadword to return
;	the characteristics in.

$devdef		; device characteristics
$ttdef		; terminal characteristics
$dvidef		; device information
$dcdef		; device class

	.word	4,dvi$_devclass	; buffer length, item code
	.long	dev_class	; buffer address
	.long	0		; return length (0 = don't bother)

dev_class:	.long
dev_chan:	.word	; channel
dev_buff:	.quad	; device characteristics buffer

	.entry	get_terminal_characteristics,0

	; call getdvi to determine if SYS$INPUT is a terminal
	$getdviw_s -
	blbs	r0,5$
	ret	; punt if error

	; is it a terminal?
5$:	cmpl	#dc$_term,dev_class
	beql	10$	; branch to 10$ if it is a terminal

	movl	#0,r0
	brb	30$	; no sense in asking if isn't a terminal

10$:	$assign_s -
	blbc	r0,30$

	$qiow_s	chan=dev_chan,func=#io$_sensemode,p1=@8(ap),p2=#8
	blbc	r0,20$

20$:	$dassgn_s -
30$:	ret

$copy sys$input INIT.MAR
	.title	initialization routines

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.library	'clexlib'

	.psect	_clex_common	rd,wrt,noexe
clex_table::	.long	; table address
clex_verbs::	.long	; verb list
clex_commands::	.long	; command list
clex_cmd_cnt::	.long	; number of verbs
clex_output::	.long	; output routine address
clex_width::	.long	; width of output buffer

	.sbttl	initialize table address

	.psect	_clex_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	clex_use_process_table,0
	; ret-status = clex_use_process_table()
	movl	ctl$ag_clitable,clex_table
	jsb	_clex_initialize

	.entry clex_use_image,0
	; ret-status = clex_use_image (tableaddress)
	movl	@4(ap),clex_table
	jsb	_clex_initialize

	.psect	_clex_local	rd,wrt,noexe
fab:	$fab	dnm=<SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES.EXE>,fac=get,fop=ufo
inadr:	.long	^x200,^x200
retadr:	.quad

	.psect	_clex_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	clex_use_command_table,0
	; ret-status = clex_use_command_table( table )
	movl	4(ap),r0
	movb	(r0),fab+fab$b_fns
	movl	4(r0),fab+fab$l_fna
	$open	fab=fab
	blbc	r0,10$
	$crmpsc_s -
	blbc	r0,10$
	movl	retadr,clex_table	
	jsb	_clex_initialize
10$:	ret

	movl	clex_table,r0
	addl3	r0,vec_l_verbtbl(r0),clex_verbs
	addl3	r0,vec_l_comdptr(r0),r1
	movzwl	vec_w_tro_count(r1),clex_cmd_cnt
	addl	#8,clex_verbs
	addl3	#8,r1,clex_commands
	movl	#1,r0

	.entry	clex_init_output,0
	movl	4(ap),clex_output
	movl	@8(ap),clex_width

$copy sys$input LIST.MAR
	.title print verb name

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.library 'clexlib'

	.entry	clex_print_verb,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7>
	; 4(ap) = address of command block

	movl	4(ap),r6
	movzwl	cmd_w_name(r6),r7
	addl	r6,r7
	case	cmd_b_subtype(r6),type=b,limit=#1,<-

	movl	#0,r0	; invalid

_verb:	movzbl	(r7),r2	; save size of entire thing
	movzbl	1(r7),r3	; save size of verb name
_verb1:	incl	r7	; point to first ascic
	add_ascic_trunc	r7,r3
	decl	r2	; subtract off extra byte for count byte

	movzbl	(r7),r4	; assume verb bigger than synonym
	cmpb	(r7),r3	; is synonym bigger than verb?
	bleq	_verb2
	movzbl	r3,r4	; if so it got truncated by CDU
	add_string	<' (synonym truncated)'>
_verb2:	subb	r4,r2	; subtract off printed portion.
	beql	_verb3

	addl	r4,r7
	tstb	1(r7)
	beql	_verb1	; if zero length string , skip to next.
	add_string	<' , '>
	brb	_verb1
_verb3:	brb	_continue

	add_string	<'(syntax) '>
	add_ascic	r7

	calls	#0,put_output


	.entry	clex_get_verb_name,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7>
	; 4(ap) = address of command block

	movl	4(ap),r6
	movzwl	cmd_w_name(r6),r7
	addl	r6,r7
	case	cmd_b_subtype(r6),type=b,limit=#1,<-
	movl	#0,r0	; invalid

	movzbl	(r7),r2	; save size of entire thing
	movzbl	1(r7),r3	; save size of verb name
	incl	r7	; point to first ascic
	add_ascic_trunc	r7,r3

	pushaq	_clex_desc
	pushl	8(ap)
	calls	#2,g^str$copy_dx
	movl	_clex_pos,@12(ap)
	clrl	_clex_pos


$copy sys$input TYPE.MAR
	.title print type block

; VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
; Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
; allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
; If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
; whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
;	Joe Meadows Jr.
;	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
;	Redmond Wa. 98052
; or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	.library 'clexlib'

	.entry	clex_print_type,^m<r2,r3>
	; 4(ap) = address of type block

	movl	4(ap),r2

	movzwl	type_w_name(r2),r3
	addl	r2,r3
	add_string	<'define type '>
	add_ascic	r3
	calls	#0,g^put_output

	movzwl	type_w_prefix(r2),r3
	beql	type_1

	addl	r2,r3
	add_string	<'   prefix '>
	add_ascic	r3
	calls	#0,g^put_output

type_1:	addl3	clex_table,type_l_keywords(r2),-(sp)
	calls	#1,clex_print_entity

$copy sys$input VERB.COMPILE
! Source name, object name, compile command, link options, required files
Clexlib.mar,.mlb,Library/macro/create clexlib,%NOLINK
$copy sys$input VERB.FOR
	program verb_extractor

	! VERB Version 1.0 June 1st, 1985
	! Written  by Joe Meadows Jr.,  with thanks  to the
	! Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center for kindly
	! allowing  me to  use  their  computing  resources.
	! If  you  have any  questions, comments, ideas, or
	! whatever, feel free to contact me via US Mail :
	!	Joe Meadows Jr.
	!	4841 268th Ave. N.E.
	!	Redmond Wa. 98052
	! or via phone : (206) 827-7296

	implicit integer (a-z)
	character buffer*80,comment*132,verb*32,symbol*80
	logical all,out,list, found, anyfound, openfile
	external lib$put_output,output,lib$find_image_symbol
	byte term_char(8)
	integer*2 term_width
	equivalence (term_char(3),term_width)

	integer cli$_entnf/'38934'x/

	1  '!***************************************'
	1//'************'	! I just love a huge comment...

	! let user specifywidth of output stream (for the heck of it, okay?)
	if (cli$present('width')) then
	 call error(cli$get_value('width',buffer,buff_len))
	 call error(ots$cvt_ti_l(buffer(:buff_len),width))
	 if (.not.i) term_width=132
	 width=term_width	! default to screen width for the heck of it
	end if

	! just want a listng of the verbs?

	! use file or actual process mapped version?
	if (cli$present('table')) then
	 call error(cli$get_value('Table',buffer,buff_len))
	 call error(clex_use_command_table(buffer(:buff_len)))
	elseif (cli$present('image')) then
	 ! is there an image spec?
	 call error(cli$get_value('Image',buffer,buff_len))
	 call error(cli$get_value('Symbol',symbol,symb_len))
	 call error(lib$find_image_symbol(buffer(:buff_len)
	1				 ,symbol(:symb_len)
	2				 ,tableaddr))
	 call clex_use_image(tableaddr)
	 call clex_use_process_table
	end if

	! is output going to a file?
	if (cli$get_value('output',buffer,buff_len)) then
	 openfile=.true. ! wait till we've found a verb before opening file
	 call clex_init_output(output,width)
	 call clex_init_output(lib$put_output,width)
	end if


	! they want all the verbs?
	if (cli$present('all')) then
	 goto 15
	end if

	! get the next verb down the line
10	i=cli$get_value('Verb',verb,verb_len)	
	if (.not.i) then
	 if (anyfound) then
	  call exit
	  call exit(cli$_entnf)
	 end if
	end if

	call str$upcase(verb(:verb_len),verb(:verb_len))
15	j=0

	! locate the little bugger
	found = .false.
20	i=clex_find_verb(verb(:verb_len),j,cmd_block)
	if (.not.i) then
	 if (found) then
	  goto 10
	  call lib$signal(%val(cli$_entnf-4))
	  goto 10
	 end if
	end if
	if (openfile) then ! we need to open the output file
	1	,defaultfile='.CLD',carriagecontrol='list')
	end if

	! get ready to output the verb
	if (list) then
	 call clex_get_verb_name(%val(cmd_block),buffer,buff_len)
	 if (k.lt.1) k=1
	 i=max(i-buff_len,0)	! center verb name in middle of comment
	 if (out) then
	  call output
	1	(comment(:k)//buffer(:buff_len)//comment(k+1:i))
	  call lib$put_output
	1	(comment(:k)//buffer(:buff_len)//comment(k+1:i))
	 end if

	 ! okay, here it is
	end if

	j=j+1	! continue search with next verb
	goto 20

30	end

	subroutine error(i)
	if (.not.i) call exit(i)

	integer function output (a)
	character*(*) a
	write(1,'(a)',err=10) a
10	return
$copy sys$input VERBS.COM
$ verb/list/out=verbs.list/all/table
$ open/read list verbs.list
$ open/write output verbs.dif
$ on control_y then goto no_more_verbs
$ read/end=no_more_verbs list command
$ command:='f$element(0,",",command)
$ write output "Testing ''command'"
$ verb/out='command'/table 'command
$ set command 'command
$ verb/out='command'/table 'command
$ diff 'command'.cld/out=nla0:
$ x='$status
$ if x.eq.%x6c8013 then write output "Difference found in ''command'"
$ delete 'command'.cld;*
$ goto loop
$ close list
$ close output
$copy sys$input VERB.CLD
define verb VERB
   image EXE$DIR:VERB
   parameter P1 , label=VERB , prompt="Verb"
      value (list)
   qualifier ALL
   qualifier PROCESS
   qualifier TABLE
      value (default="SYS$SHARE:DCLTABLES",type=$infile)
   qualifier OUTPUT
      value (type=$outfile)
   qualifier WIDTH
      value (required,type=$number)
   qualifier IMAGE
      value (required,type=$infile)
   qualifier SYMBOL
      value (required)
   qualifier LIST
   disallow ((TABLE and PROCESS) or (TABLE and IMAGE) or (PROCESS and IMAGE))
$ write sys$output "Compiling VERB program"
$ @compile.com verb
$ write sys$output "Defining VERB command"
$ set command VERB
$ write sys$output "Try VERB VERB, and, have a nice day!"
$ write sys$output "Cheers."