[mod.computers.vax] UNMESSAGE, VMS 4.n error message file decompiler

js@UW-JUNE.ARPA (Joe Meadows) (03/22/86)

 Well, no one told me what "enough interest" was, but, it seems
to me that there was enough of it to warrant posting this..
So, heres UNMESSAGE -
(cut cut, snip, snip, and so on ---)
$ ws:=write sys$output
$ ws "Creating the necessary files."
$ copy:=copy/log
$ copy sys$input UNMESSAGE.MAR
$ deck

	.title	unmessage
; placed in the public domain, by Joe Meadows Jr.
; US Mail -
;  4841 268th ave N.E.
;  Redmond Wa. 98052

.library	'sys$library:lib'

	.psect	_msg_code	rd,nowrt,exe

	.entry	unmessage,^m<r2,r3,r4>

	pushaq	dyn_desc
	pushaq	p1
	calls	#2,g^cli$get_value	; msg file to uncompile

	calls	#0,init_output

	pushaq	dyn_desc
	calls	#1,g^msg_map_msgfile	; map it into memory
	jsb	error

	addl	#16,map_adr
	movl	map_adr,r2

10$:	movl	(r2),r3
	beql	20$
	addl	r3,map_adr
	calls	#0,g^go_ahead
	addl	#4,r2
	movl	r2,map_adr
	brb	10$
20$:	ret

	.entry	go_ahead,^m<r2,r3,r4>

	movl	map_adr,r2
	cmpw	msc$w_sanity(r2),#msc$c_sanity
	beql	10$
	$exit_s	code=#0

10$:	addl3	r2,msc$l_index_off(r2),r3
	cmpb	midx$b_sanity(r3),#midx$c_sanity
	beql	20$
	$exit_s	code=#0

20$:	movzwl	midx$w_size(r3),r4
	addl	r3,r4
	addl	#midx$c_entries,r3

30$:	pushl	r3
	calls	#1,g^uncompile_message
	jsb	error

40$:	addl	#midx$c_length,r3
	cmpl	r3,r4
	blss	30$


	.entry	uncompile_message,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7>

	movl	4(ap),r0
	movl	(r0),r2			; message code
	addl3	map_adr,4(r0),r3	; message address

	blbc	r3,10$		; if low bit set then this is a subindex ptr

	decl	r3
	cmpb	midx$b_sanity(r3),#midx$c_sanity
	beql	2$
	$exit_s	code=#0
2$:	movzwl	midx$w_size(r3),r4
	addl	r3,r4
	addl	#midx$c_entries,r3
3$:	pushl	r3
	calls	#1,g^uncompile_message
	jsb	error
4$:	addl	#midx$c_length,r3
	cmpl	r3,r4
	blss	3$

10$:	extzv	#sts$v_fac_no,#sts$s_fac_no,r2,r4	; facility code

	tstb	fac_flg	; is this first time through?
	beql	20$
	cmpw	r4,cur_fac
	bneq	20$
	brw	50$

20$:	movb	#1,fac_flg
	movl	map_adr,r0	; map address
	addl3	r0,msc$l_fac_off(r0),r5
	movzwl	(r5),r6		; size of facility section
	addl	r5,r6			; facility end
	addl	#2,r5			; facility start

30$:	cmpw	mfac$w_number(r5),r4	; right facility?
	beql	40$
	movzbl	mfac$b_namelen(r5),r7
	addl	#3,r5
	addl	r7,r5			; point to next facility
	cmpl	r5,r6
	blss	30$
	$exit_s	code=#0		; error=no matching facility

40$:	bbc	#11,mfac$w_number(r5),42$
	pushab	null
	brb	44$
42$:	pushab	system
44$:	bbs	#15,mfac$w_number(r5),46$
	tstw	mfac$w_number(r5)
	beql	46$		; bogus check for /share
	pushab	null
	brb	48$
46$:	pushab	shared
48$:	extzv	#0,#11,mfac$w_number(r5),-(sp)
	pushab	mfac$b_namelen(r5)
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	facmsg
	calls	#7,g^sys$fao
	jsb	error
	pushab	buffer
	calls	#1,g^put_output
	jsb	error
	movzbl	#buffer_size,buffer	; fix up output buffer
	movw	mfac$w_number(r5),cur_fac
	movw	#1,cur_bas
	movb	#-1,cur_sev

50$:	extzv	#sts$v_severity,#sts$s_severity,r2,r4	; severity
	cmpb	r4,cur_sev
	beql	60$
	movb	r4,cur_sev
	movab	severities,r0
	movzbl	(r4)[r0],r4
	addl3	r4,r0,-(sp)	; address of severity
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	sevmsg
	calls	#4,g^sys$fao
	jsb	error
	pushab	buffer
	calls	#1,g^put_output
	jsb	error
	movzbl	#buffer_size,buffer	; fix up output buffer

60$:	extzv	#sts$v_code,#sts$s_code,r2,r4		; code
	cmpw	cur_bas,r4	; is this the code we expected next?
	beql	70$

	movw	r4,cur_bas
	pushl	r4
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	basmsg
	calls	#4,g^sys$fao
	jsb	error
	pushab	buffer
	calls	#1,g^put_output
	jsb	error
	movzbl	#buffer_size,buffer	; fix up output buffer

70$:	incw	cur_bas
	; /detail=
	; /user_value=
	; /language=
	pushab	mrec$b_identlen(r3)	; ident
	movzbl	mrec$b_faocnt(r3),-(sp)	; fao count
	movzbl	mrec$b_identlen(r3),r0
	addl	#10,r0
	addl3	r3,r0,-(sp)		; error message
	pushl	r2			; error code
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	buffer
	pushab	errmsg
	calls	#7,g^sys$fao
	jsb	error
	pushab	buffer
	calls	#1,g^put_output
	movzbl	#buffer_size,buffer
	jsb	error

;	movzbl	mrec$b_lang(r3),-(sp)
;	movzbl	mrec$b_userval(r3),-(sp)
;	movzbl	mrec$b_level(r3),-(sp)
;	movzbl	mrec$b_flags(r3),-(sp)
;	movzbl	mrec$b_type(r3),-(sp)
;	pushab	buffer
;	pushab	buffer
;	pushab	tmp
;	calls	#8,g^sys$fao
;	jsb	error
;	pushab	buffer
;	calls	#1,g^put_output
;	movzbl	#buffer_size,buffer
;	jsb	error


;tmp:	.ascid	'!!!_!XB,!XB,!XB,!XB,!XB'

error:	blbc	r0,10$
10$:	$exit_s	code=r0

	.entry	msg_map_msgfile,0
	; ret-status = msg_map_msgfile ( msgfile )
	movl	4(ap),r0
	movb	(r0),fab+fab$b_fns
	movl	4(r0),fab+fab$l_fna
	$open	fab=fab
	blbc	r0,10$
	$crmpsc_s -
10$:	ret

	.psect	_msg_local	rd,wrt,noexe

fab:		$fab	dnm=<SYS$MESSAGE:SYSMSG.EXE>,fac=get,fop=ufo
inadr:		.long	^x200,^x200
map_adr:	.quad
cur_fac:	.word	; current facility
cur_bas:	.word	; current expected base
cur_sev:	.byte	; current expected severity
fac_flg:	.byte	; first time through flag

	.long	^x020E0000,0
buffer:	.long	buffer_size,bufadr
bufadr:	.blkb	buffer_size

	.psect	_msg_readonly	rd,nowrt,noexe

	.byte	0$-severities
	.byte	1$-severities
	.byte	2$-severities
	.byte	3$-severities
	.byte	4$-severities
	.byte	5$-severities
	.byte	5$-severities
	.byte	5$-severities
0$:	.ascic	'WARNING'
1$:	.ascic	'SUCCESS'
2$:	.ascic	'ERROR'
3$:	.ascic	'INFORMATION'
4$:	.ascic	'FATAL'
5$:	.ascic	'?'

p1:	.ascid	'P1'

facmsg:	.ascid	'.FACILITY!_!AC,!UW!AC!AC'
system:	.ascic	' /SYSTEM'
shared:	.ascic	' /SHARED'
null:	.byte	0

basmsg:	.ascid	'.BASE!_!_!UW'
sevmsg:	.ascid	'.SEVERITY!_!AC'
errmsg:	.ascid	'_!XL!_<!AC> /FAO=!UB /IDENT=!AC'

	.end	unmessage
$ eod
$ copy sys$input OUTPUT.FOR
$ deck

	subroutine init_output
	implicit integer (a-z)
	character*252 output
	call cli$get_value('OUTPUT',output,len)
	if (len.eq.0) then
	end if
     >       carriagecontrol='list',recl=4096)

	integer function put_output(string)
	implicit integer (a-z)
	character*(*) string
	write(1,'(a)') string
$ copy sys$input UNMESSAGE.CLD

define verb UNMESSAGE
   parameter P1
      value (type=$infile)
   qualifier OUTPUT
      value (type=$outfile)
$ copy sys$input UNMESSAGE.COMPILE
! Source name, object name, compile command, link options, required files
$ ws "and now, since I don't know if you have the compile.com"
$ ws "posted with VERB, I'll just compile it by hand, heck,"
$ ws "there's only two modules, (I don't remember why I even"
$ ws "bothered with the fortran one...)"
$ ws "Compiling OUTPUT.FOR"
$ fortran output.for
$ ws "Compiling UNMESSAGE.MAR"
$ macro unmessage.mar
$ ws "and now to link them ..."
$ link unmessage,output
$ ws "and to define the UNMESSAGE command"
$ set command unmessage
$ ws "All done. Cheers."
$ ws "by the way, you'll need to define EXE$DIR to point"
$ ws "to where you put the executable..."
$ ws "Cheers again."