[mod.computers.vax] Questions about the HSC-50 and the TA81

jbredese@carleton.CSNET (John Bredesen) (05/09/86)

Good Day!
We have a VAXcluster (VMS v4.3) with two TU80s (hooked directly to two of the
VAXes) and four (soon five) RA81s (hooked to an HSC-50). We will be getting a
TA81 tape drive this summer and I have a few questions about it.  We will be
putting the TA81 on the HSC. 

1) I have heard you can do physical disk to disk copies on the HSC, but can 
   you do disk to tape (and vice versa) on the HSC without a host?

1a) If so, is the tape in backup format so it can be used by the host later

1b) Also if so, how long would this take for an RA81?

2) What manuals are available for the HSC software v250?
   Field Service has only supplied the release notes and says that there
   is no other documentation.  I've heard that there is a manual for all
   the utilities on the utilities tape.  The stuff on that tape is almost
   useless to me without a manual.                   

3) Has anyone heard of a newer version of the HSC software?  Is one available
   now? Is one available soon? 

4) What is the performance of the TA81 tied to an HSC versus a TA81 tied
   straight to the VAX?

Thanks in advance for any responses.  If responses are sent directly
to me, I will summarize on the net.

  			     John Bredesen
			     System Manager
                             (507) 663-4627
CSNET:  jbredese@carleton                      USmail:   Carleton College
UUCP:  ...ihnp4!stolaf!ccnfld!jbredese                   One North College St.
                                                         Northfield, MN  55057