[mod.computers.vax] Password Updating on an inhomogeneous cluster


We run an inhomogeneous VAX cluster where nearly everyone has account on
all machines (but with different priorities).  Password updating is a
pain is such a situation.  And we can't really require use of the
/GENERATE qualifier.  Does anyone know of a utility to do simultaneous
updating of the passwords on all machines?  It's easy to get a partial
solution with a DCL procedure and BATCH.  But what would be nice is a
program running with SYSPRV which does the same as SET PASSWORD
(checking password lengths, necessity for /GENERATE, etc.)  and then
goes ahead and updates SYSUAF files for the other machines.  I'd like
to here any other strageties for dealing with this problem.

                        ---Charles Karney
                           Princeton Univ.