[mod.computers.vax] Request for Vax Fortran Renumbering program.


I tried to post this once a few weeks ago.  But since I got ZERO response,
it may not have made it to the net.  So, I'll try once more:

     Does anyone have or know about a GOOD Fortran renumbering
     program for VAX Fortran?  Should work for both upper and
     lower case and understand all about F-77 and even the VAX
     extensions to F-77.  There seem to be a few such beasts on
     the old DECUS tapes, but I don't know how good they are or
     if they are up-to-date (i.e., know all about F-77 and V4.n).

     What do you use at your site, if anything?

     Any recommendations and/or anything that can be sent over the
     network or be made available via FTP will be much appreciated.


P.S. Since I got so little response to my first request, I'll modify it to
ask if anyone has even a *NOT-SO-BAD* Fortran renumberer.