[mod.computers.vax] SOS for VMS


We used to be a DEC-10 shop and have a lot of users who grew up on SOS and
refuse to convert to EDT.  (The TECO people seem to migrate to TPU easily!).

The RSX version of SOS was distributed on the version 3 VMS tapes when the
RSX emulation was standard.  When they unbundled RSX we went ahead and kept
it for the SOS alone....but I was shocked when I saw that the SOS image
wasn't even on the distribution tape.  I restored SOS from our version 3
backups and found that it would work for me on the SYSTEM account, but if
an ordinary user tried to run it a bizarre error would result.  What a bummer,
I didn't want to have to fall back to version 3 just because SOS didn't

You have to change the world protection of the SOS image from world execute
to world read+execute.  The V3.x installation tapes loaded it with (w:e).

I haven't heard of a native mode SOS.  I'd like to see it, especially for
the microvax (rsx is not very good there).  Mind you, its only because of
the years our users invested in TOPS-10.  For myself, I've decided to break
down and force myself to migrate to TPU.

Mark Hittinger/systems programmer iv/OCIS south center
University of Louisville/Louisville, Ky 40292