[mod.computers.vax] VMS V.4.4 print symb. problem


There is a ?minor? problem with 4.4.  When a print que is stopped, the
/BLOCKS= goes away.  DEC is aware of problem and working on fix.  The
workaround is to always use START/BLOCKS=.....

V.4.4 installation replaces a lot of files.  We had to put ACL's back on
several system files, like PHONE, and had to put CONNECT CNA0 ...
back in LOADNET.  Otherwise, it went smoothly but took 3-4 hrs on 785

                                -GaryM. BITNET contact  UNMKCVAXn (n=1,3)
                                Univ of Mo at K.C.
                                MCDONALD @ UMKCVAX1.BITNET