[mod.computers.vax] VMS V4.4


I played with it some this weekend on one of our 785s.  The installation
procedure was painless, indeed.  It told me to go away for two hours,
so I went and had lunch.  When I came back everything seemed OK.

We've got loads of wierd and crufty software here, including strange (MFENET)
network software, stranger (SDSCNET - aka Son of MFENET) network software,
a Xerox 8700, IMAGEN laser printers (using Kellerman and Smith stuff), LANL's
XNET software, a Hyperchannel, a Dicomed D48 color film recorder, and, of
course, the Cray.  Everything seemed to work OK except the Xerox 8700 symbiont,
which persisted in aborting with arithmetic traps.  It's written in PL/I, so
I suspect that some change to PLIRTL was driving it crazy.

Since the Xerox is our major output device here (small wonder), we're going
to wait a bit before running V4.4 production.  On the bright side, the
K&S stuff worked fine, as did XNET and the Hyperchannel.  I dunno about the
Dicomed;  it has other problems not related to VMS.
