BOLTHOUSE%MCCORE%ti-eg.CSNET@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA (Anyone who tangos has a l (05/31/86)
I am interested in any and all information you may have regarding TCP/IP implementations for VAX/VMS 4.2 and beyond. Such info might include war stories, technical support experiences, security concerns, relative performance estimates, relative capability comparisons, coexistence with DECnet, flames, etc. Currently, I am aware of the following vendors: Wollongong Network Research Corp. Excelan Interlan Ethernet would be the preferred medium; however, it is always possible a leased line or (gads) an asynchronous line might be used at some point or another. Please reply directly to me; I will summarize my findings to the net. David L. Bolthouse net: bolthouse%mccore@ti-eg.csnet ma bell: (214) 952-2059 us snail: ms 8006 po box 801 mckinney, tx 75069 standard disclaimer: anyone who thinks i represent the views of my employer should be sentenced to a week spent in a small room with a lawyer...