[mod.computers.vax] Font support for LN03


We have an LN03 that is shared among our vax, decmate and pc's to print
runoff, wps, lotus, word perfect etc. files. The built-in fonts work fine
but now we would like to have a wider variety of fonts available which could
be downloaded as required.

Since we don't have money for Dec's font utility, Decpage etc. in this year's
budget we are looking for other alternatives. Decdirect lists only one font
cartridge and I hear it has some problems. We are aware of Tex which will be
useful in some situations but wont help with word perfect files. What would be
useful would be a variety of font files that could be loaded from the vax or
pc's as required.

I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has suggestions.

Jim Hancock <hancock@upei.bitnet>
University of Prince Edward Island