godwin@uci-icse (08/20/85)
From: Dave Godwin <godwin@uci-icse> Mr. Tucker, Apparently you've not read much of Mr. Robinson's work. I will not argue with your viewpoint; my purpose in life is not to sway others to think the way I think. But, damn, you sure pick a nasty way to describe a writer who places the use of 'heart and emotions', as you aproximately put it, above most of the other aspects in his work. Robinson does not write 'five-guys-in-a-bar-telling-bad-puns' stories. Ever read Stardance ? Most folks liked it well enough to give it a Hugo. And a Nebula. And a couple of other things. Have you ever met the man ? No, you have not, or you would not be confusing his WRITING with his self. There was a long discussion on this bboard quite recently on this very problem. So please, stop flaming needlessly. Clear thinking is always welcome here; the 'barbarianism', as you put it, is not. David Godwin UC Irvine