[mod.computers.vax] sysuaf and logical names


        From: *Hobbit* <AWalker@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>
        Subject: uaf files
        Date: 31 May 86 21:32:48 EDT

        ... I didn't move the UAF but pointed to it with a system/exec/etc
        definition of SYSUAF pointing to the old one in the 4.1 tree. ...

        ... But suppose I *want* to create a new UAF file to mess with on
        this system?  Defining SYSUAF to point to the other directory I'm
        messing with doesn't work; Authorize complains about some file
        access type problem.  How do I get around it without blowing away
        the system logical name while I create the new UAF file?


Er, there must be something I'm missing here, to wit:

$ define/system/exec sysuaf sys$system:sysuaf.dat
$ dir/full sysuaf


SYSUAF.DAT;2                  File ID:  (1124,3,0)
Size:          117/117        Owner:    [SYSTEM]
Created:   6-DEC-1985 04:38   Revised:   7-JUN-1986 18:49 (13499)
Expires:   <None specified>   Backup:    6-JUN-1986 06:42
File organization:  Indexed, Prolog: 3, Using 4 keys
                             In 3 areas
File attributes:    Allocation: 117, Extend: 3, Maximum bucket size: 3, Global b
uffer count: 0, No version limit
                    Contiguous best try
Record format:      Variable length, maximum 1412 bytes
Record attributes:  None
File protection:    System:RWE, Owner:RWE, Group:RWE, World:
Access Cntrl List:  None

Total of 1 file, 117/117 blocks.

$ define sysuaf eagle:[gkn]sysuaf.dat
$ run sys$system:authorize
Unable to open SYSUAF.DAT
File not found
Do you want to create a new file? y
UAF> show */brief
       Owner         Username           UIC       Account  Privs Pri Directory

                     DEFAULT         [200,200]             Normal  4 [USER]
SYSTEM MANAGER       SYSTEM            [1,4]      SYSTEM   All     4 [SYSMGR]
UAF> exit
System authorization file modified
No modifications made to network authorization file
No modifications made to rights database

$ deass/system/exec sysuaf
$ deass sysuaf

What sort of file access problem are you getting?


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