nsalvador.ES@XEROX.COM (06/14/86)
I'm shopping around for 2 pieces of software that run under VAX/VMS. I need a program that will aid in the construction of dataflow diagrams. Basically, I'm looking for a graphics package that would allow me to join constructs into single entities, extract information from the diagram and compile a data dictionary from it, etc. I don't know if such a product exists but any information would be appreciated. I'm also looking for a software package that does data dictionary management. I'd like to be able to generate data item and cross-reference listings, reference, copy, or modify any data item by a unique identifier, identify any and all data items which appear in a definition but are not defined elsewhere and vice versa, etc. Ideally, this data dictionary would be expanded to become a lifecycle dictionary. If anyone knows of any products that come close, I would appreciate the information. Naomi Salvador