[mod.computers.vax] Missing file

GKN@SDSC.BITNET (Gerard K. Newman) (07/01/86)

[Sorry to bother the whole list with this, but ...]

The number of requests for my foreign mail protocol inferface has been
overwhelming.  I have recently discovered, however, that I forgot to
send one file with the stuff I have been mailing to people.  Since it's
short it's attached to this message.

On another note, I have one outstanding distribution I'd like to send out,
but I can't get mail back to the sender of the message who was:


I can't find UBC.ARPA in the NIC host tables.

Sorry again to bug the whole net, but I have sent out more copies of this
than I can keep track of.


USPS:   Gerard K. Newman
        San Diego Supercomputer Center
        P.O. Box 85608
        San Diego, CA  92138
AT&T:   (619) 455-5076

        .Title          Arpa_MailShr_Msg        - Arpa_MailShr error messages
        .Ident          "Arpa_MailShr V01.00"

! ----- Arpa_MailShr_Msg:  Arpa_MailShr error messages
! Facility:
!       VAX/VMS personal mail utility
! Abstract:
!       This module contains the messages for the  Arpa_MailShr module
!       which uses the undocumented Mail$protocol interface to deliver
!       mail on the DoD internet.
! Environment:
!       VAX/VMS native mode, VMS V4.0 or later
! Version:      V01.000
! Date:         07-Sep-1985
! Gerard K. Newman      07-Sep-1985
! Science Applications International
! 800 Oak Ridge Turnpike
! Oak Ridge, TN  37830
! (615) 482-9031
! Modifications:

        .Facility       Arpa,100/Prefix=ARPA$_

        .Severity       Fatal

UNKFUNC         <Unknown function code: !UL>/FAO_Count=1
INTCODERR       <Internal coding error>
NOMCB           <No MCB>
OPENIN          <Error opening !AS as input>/FAO_Count=1
INPERR          <Error reading input file>
NOINFILE        <No input file to deliver>
INVMSGFIL       <Invalid format for inbound message file>
INVMSGTYP       <Invalid type for inbound mail>
INVSOURCE       <Invalid source User-ID and/or source node>

        .Severity       Error

INVADDR         <Invalid destination address>

        .Severity       Informational

BADHDRITM       <Illegal field in SYS$LOGIN:ARPA_MAIL.HEADER:  "!AS">/FAO_Count=
